ssb coaching- PSB and FSB Training Academy Coimbatore -2016 With Free bank entrance coaching for all graduates offered

ssb coaching- PSB and FSB Training Academy  Coimbatore
094437 20076

What we teach an aspirant ?

    1. Psychology Tests
    2. Intelligence Test
    3. PPDT
    4. SRT
    5. TAT
    6. WAT
    7. Self Description
    8. Personal Interview
    9. Interview Dates
    1. GTO Tests
    2. Group Discussion
    3. Military Planning Exercise
    4. Lecturette
    5. PGT
    6. Sanke Race
    7. HGT
    8. Command Task
    9. Individual Obstacles
    10. FGT
    1. SSB Day wise Tests
    2. 5 Day SSB Overview
    3. SSB Day 1 Tests
    4. SSB Day 2 Tests
    5. SSB Day 3 Tests
    6. SSB Day 4 Tests
    7. SSB Day 5 Tests


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