Class VI Sainik School Entrance Exam Guide Published by Ex Defence Officer for 2017-18 Session

Defence Academy Coimbatore A leading coaching academy for Sainik, Military and RIMC Schools, NDA, IMA, AFCAT SSB, FSB Interview call 094437 20076 Class VI Sainik School Entrance Exam Guide Published by Ex Defence Officer for 2017-18 Session GET TRAINED FOR FREE FOR SAINIK SCHOOL ENTRANCE FOR CLASS VI Prove to us that Your IQ Level is 140, we will train you free of cost for sainik school entrance Take our Aptitude test- Get 140 and above IQ marks- We will not charge you any Tuition Fee Pay for Food and accm and books only For those who score less than IQ 140 in our skill finder test has to pay full fee Contact: 094437 20076 Sainik School Entrance Coaching starts on 02nd October 2016 at Defence Academy Coimbatore A-11, V.O.C Nagar Near SS Hospital Ganapathy Ma Nagar COIMBATORE HOW TO REACH OUR ACADEMY? By Train Get down at Coimbatore Junction. Catch a call taxi. Rs.200- Rs.250( Approx) would be the charge to reach our...