Sainik school Exam coaching

Defence Academy Coimbatore A leading coaching academy for Sainik, Military and RIMC Schools, NDA, IMA, AFCAT SSB, FSB Interview call 094437 20076 All India Sainik School- Military School Entrance Examination SKILL Builder Guide This is a product of 3 years work of a sainik school educated Retired Defence Officer Dear Parent, Here are the Reasons for you as to Why should you buy our Study Kit?? The real fact about sainik Entrance Vacancy 80 Reservation: SC= 15 % ST = 7/5% Ex service men 25% Other states 10 % now left it 42.5% No of students who fight for 42.5 % is 80% of those who take the Entrance Exam. Hence it is necessary for an excellent performance I mean one must get 80% to get into the merit. This is the reason why you should coach the student defence academy helps your child to succeed visit and order our study kit / Online entrance practice tests call 94437 20076 Reasons: ...