Common Entrance Exam for RMS - SAINIK Class VI Revision paper Maths set 01 Compiled by Defence Academy Coimbatore

ssb coaching ssb- sainik - rms- rimc coaching academy For Residential coaching Self Study kit for various exams Sainik school Entrance RMS Entrance RIMC Entrance JNV Entrance call 094437 20076 visit to order online Min pass mark is 80% you can directly print and answer and file it for your reference Name of Candidate: ________________________ Date _____________Marks Scored_______ Q.No: Question Your Answer 1 What is the Smallest Even Prime Number? 2 Which is not a natural number 1, 0, 9, 10 3 What you call a number that can be divided only by 1 or by itself? 4 If a number ends with 0 or 5, it can be divided by_____ 5 There are ________ English Alphabets used in Roman Numerals 6 The Roman Numeral āXā can be repeated only _____T...