
Showing posts from June 6, 2015

2016- Rashtriya Indian Military College Entrance Skill Builder Books- Guides and Solved Papers

2016- Rashtriya Indian Military College Entrance Skill Builder Books- Guides and Solved Papers Defence Academy offers A set of 8 books to Crack the RIMC Entrance Examination we suggest that the candidate prepares the Class VII CBSE pattern Books for Maths and English. Rest of the items we have provided The maths is of class VII and VIII Standard Our set of 8 books + One dvd costs Rs. 3000 only To order On line visit 94437 20076    for class room coaching Defence academy Coimbatore A-11. VOC nagar PO: Ganapathy Coimbatore- 641006 Or Send  DD / bank Tfr to the add mentioned below:-  PAYMENT OPTIONS 1.Pay Through Demand Draft Payable at COIMBATORE in favour of Jairaj Anitha. 2.Money Order:- Jairaj Anitha ORDER DETAILS 1. Name:- 2. Address:- 3. Pincode: 4. Phone/Mobile: 5. Study Material For: 6. Amount: 7. Payment Mode:- Demand Draft/Money Order/Net Transfer 8. DD/MO/Transaction Number:- Please send a email to ...

Joining the Indian Coast Guard as NAVIKS ( GD / DB)

Joining the Indian Coast Guard as NAVIKS  ( GD / DB) call 94437 20076 visit Name of the Post NAVIKS- General Duties Age as on First day of the Month of the Scheduled Basic Training 18 -22 years ( 5 years relaxation for SC and ST ) Three years Relaxation for OBC Educational Qualification 12 th class with 10 + 2+ 3 scheme With Maths and Physics Name of the Post NAVIKS- Domestic Branch Age as on First day of the Month of the Scheduled Basic Training 18 -22 years ( 5 years relaxation for SC and ST ) Three years Relaxation for OBC Educational Qualification 10th Pass Physical Standards Height:- Min 157 cms Weight:- Proportionate to Height Eye Sight:- 6/18 and 6/36 We at Defence Academy Coimbatore offer Coaching for:- a) Written Test b) Physical Endurance Test Call:- 94437 20076 visit: Training Duration : 45 Days Training Fee : Rs. 32500/- inclusive of Food and Accm call 94437 20076 visit www.ssbcoaching.c...

How to become a Yantrick in Indian Coast Guard?

Joining the Indian Coast Guard as Yantriks and Naviks ( GD / DB) Name of the Post YANTIRKS Age as on First day of the Month of the Scheduled Basic Training 18 -22 years ( 5 years relaxation for SC and ST ) Three years Relaxation for OBC Educational Qualification Matriculate with three years Diploma in Mechanical / Electrical / Electronics/ Aeronautical Engineering Physical Standards Height:- Min 157 cms Weight:- Proportionate to Height Eye Sight:- 6/12 and 6/ 24 We at Defence Academy Coimbatore offer Coaching for:- a) Written Test b) Physical Endurance Test Call:- 94437 20076 visit: Training Duration : 45 Days Training Fee : Rs. 32500/- inclusive of Food and Accm  

Which School is Better? RIMC- Rashtirya Military School Or Sainik School?

Which School is Better?  RIMC -  Rashtirya Military School  Or  Sainik School? One word answer all roads leads to NDA. RIMC- Only the Best Cadets get selected- Better Results at NDA Success about 80%  Sainik School- RMS- Better Students  get selected-  NDA entrance about 10 %  We at Defence Academy Coimbatore offer coaching for Written test and Interview for the above Schools  Sell study kit visit call 094437 20076 How to order  for study kit On line order or send the DD / Bank Transfer of the amount to our account PAYMENT OPTIONS 1.Pay Through Demand Draft Payable at COIMBATORE in favour of Jairaj Anitha. 2.Money Order:- Jairaj Anitha ORDER DETAILS 1. Name:- 2. Address:- 3. Pincode: 4. Phone/Mobile: 5. Study Material For: 6. Amount: 7. Payment Mode:- Demand Draft/Money Order/Net Transfer 8. DD/MO/Transaction Number:- Please send a email to defen...

Officer Training Academy - Chennai- Passing out parade for Short Service Commissioned Officers 2015 September 12th

Officer Training Academy - Chennai- Passing out parade for Short Service Commissioned Officers 2015 September 12th  In order to motivate our aspirants- we will be taking them to witness the Commandant's passing out parade Practice to be held at OTA on 10th Sep 2015 Interested candidates are to come in person to Defence Academy Coimbatore A-11, VOC Nagar, Near SS. Hospital, Ganapathy Police Quarters Coimbatore- 641006 Pay the fee for travel- food and accm and register your name First come first served  basis Limited vacancies only call 94437 20076   

Tamil nadu SI Entrance Exam May 2015 Answer Key

Tamil nadu SI Entrance Exam May 2015 Answer Key we at Defence academy Coimbatore provide Physical test coaching call 94437 20076   PRELIMINARY KEY ā€“ OPEN EXAMINATION Q.No. QUESTION BOOKLET SERIES A B C D 1. C B D D 2. B C B C 3. A A D B 4. B A A D 5. D D D C 6. B A D B 7. A B A A 8. C C C B 9. A C A A 10. B C D D 11. C D C A 12. C C D B 13. A C A C 14. D A C C 15. B ALL CORRECT A C 16. C B A D 17. C A A C 18. D C B C 19. A A D A 20. A B B ALL CORRECT 21. D C C B 22. D C B A 23. B D A C 24. B A B A 25. B A D B 26. D A C C 27. B D C C 28. D D A D 29. A A D A 30. D B B A 31. A B D A 32. C B D D 33. B B B D 34. D A B A 35. C B B B 36. A D D B 37. D B C B 38. D D B B 39. A A D A 40. B D C B 41. B D B D 42. A A C B 43. B C A D 44. A A A A 45. D D D D 46. B C B D 47. B D A A 48. B A B C 49. A C A A 50. B A D D 51. D A A C 52. A A B D 53. C B C A 54. A D C C 55. D B C A 56. B C D A 57. C B C A 58....

Are You attending the SSB Or FSB Interview? Preparation for the Interview is a Technique.

Are You attending the SSB Or FSB Interview?  Preparation for the Interview is a Technique. Most of the Initial 10 minutes will be based on your personal particulars. Your family back ground and about your studies - achievements Extra curricular activities- Friends- Boss- teacher. They follow a laid down pattern to test you in 15 different qualities. Grouped under 4 Factors. General awareness is just one part of it. As you will be facing the ssb interview board shortly, read newspapers and magazines and brush up your knowledge of what is happening around you. Our Interviewing Officer Colonel G.Murali is a Former Dy Comdt of 18 SSB Allahabad. will guide you to face the board and pin point your mistakes. call 094437 20076 to join us for  SSB and FSB Coaching.       

How to become a Technical Officer in the Indian Coast Guard?

How to become a Technical Officer in the Indian Coast Guard? Join the Indian Coast Guard as a Technical Officer if you are an engineer Assistant Commandant in the Pay Scale of Rs. 15600- 39100+5400(GP) You can join in any one of the following branches as per your Edn and qualification. One has to qualify a two stage selection to become elligible to join as an officera) Pre-selection Board Interview b) Final Selection Board interview For training you can call 094437 20076 Also visit  PSB - FSB Coaching Academy BRANCHES: General Duty(Female) Pilot/ Navigator/ Observer YOU COULD BE THE NEXT- JOIN DEFENCE ACADEMY COIMBATORE FOR TRAINING - CALL 094437 20076 Duties of a Technical Officer Technical Branch: - The Technical Branch Officers on completion of Naval Orientation Course at INA, Ezhimala are deputed to INS Shivaji or INS Valsura for Engineering/ Electrical branches specialization course. The duration varies from 105-110 weeks of training ...

Can you get 80 % in the Current affairs- if yes you can make it at the Interview for SSB and FSB

ARE YOU GOING TO APPEAR FOR THE SSB OR FSB INTERVIEWS ARE YOU WELL PREPARED?IF YES -- TAKE THE QUIZ TEST ON CURRENT AFFAIRS. IF YOU GET 80% YOU ARE GOOD. IF NOT YOU NEED TO IMPROVE Deence Academy Coimbatore Prepares you to face the SSB/ FSB without Fear We instill the required confidence in you Join to-day in our 14 days to success crash course- No stone left unturned Experience the power of knowledge If you have the will we will show you the way Get trained by the Best - to be the BEST call 094437 20076 The important National Events of India June 2015 Manipur- Militant attack on Army Maggi Noodles- What is it all about? PM Narendra Modi's visit to Bangala Desh International Events:- Fate of H1 B1 Visa Holders getting employment at Disney Land French Open- Tennis Grand Slam Russia's Dilemma BRIGS meet Quiz:-1. Where in Manipur did the Militants attack the Army Convoy? 2. Which battalion soldiers were killed / injured?...

Woman Officers- How to Join as a Pilot in the Indian Coast Guard- Officers

Woman Officers- How to Join as a Pilot in the Indian Coast Guard- Officers Join the Indian Coast Guard as a Pilot Oficer Assistant Commandant in the Pay Scale of Rs. 15600- 39100+5400(GP) You can join in any one of the following branches as per your Edn and qualification. One has to qualify a two stage selection to become elligible to join as an officera) Pre-selection Board Interview b) Final Selection Board interview For training you can call 094437 20076 Also visit  PSB - FSB Coaching Academy BRANCHES: General Duty(Female) Pilot/ Navigator/ Observer YOU COULD BE THE NEXT- JOIN DEFENCE ACADEMY COIMBATORE FOR TRAINING - CALL 094437 20076 DUTIES OF A PILOT / NAVIGATOR BRANCH Coast Guard operates fixed wing aircraft and Helicopters from Air Stations for Surveillance of the Exclusive Economic Zone. In addition , Helicopters are embarked on Coast Guard Advanced Offshore Patrol Vessels (AOPV) Or Offshore Patrol Vessles (OP...

Career in Coast Guard- Officers

Career In Coast Guard- Officers Join the Indian Coast Guard as an Oficer Assistant Commandant in the Pay Scale of Rs. 15600- 39100+5400(GP) You can join in any one of the following branches as per your Edn and qualification. One has to qualify a two stage selection to become elligible to join as an officera) Pre-selection Board Interview b) Final Selection Board interview For training you can call 094437 20076 Also visit  for more details on  how to crack PSB - FSB Coaching Academy BRANCHES: General Duty Pilot/ Navigator/ Observer Technical Law Branch They have become officers from Our Academy a) Dy Comdt Devraj ( Helicopter Pilot) b) Asst Comdt Dharmaraj ( General Duty) c) Asst Comdt Vishajeet ( Generl Duty) d) Asst Comdt Sivraman ( Geneal Duty) e) Asst Comdt Vihsal ( Technical Branch) YOU COULD BE THE NEXT- JOIN DEFENCE ACADEMY COIMBATORE FOR TRAINING - CALL 094437 20076 DUTIES OF A GENERAL DUTY OFFICER The C...

How to Join Indian Coast Guard as an Officer?

How to Join Indian Coast Guard as an Officer? Career In Coast Guard- Officers Join the Indian Coast Guard as an Oficer Assistant Commandant in the Pay Scale of Rs. 15600- 39100+5400(GP) You can join in any one of the following branches as per your Edn and qualification. One has to qualify a two stage selection to become elligible to join as an officera)Pre-selection Board Interview b) Final Selection Board interview For training you can call 094437 20076 Also visit PSB - FSB Coaching Academy    PSB-FSB COACHING BRANCHES: General Duty Pilot/ Navigator/ Observer Technical Law Branch They have become officers from Our Academy a) Dy Comdt Devraj ( Helicopter Pilot) b) Asst Comdt Dharmaraj ( General Duty) c) Asst Comdt Vishajeet ( Generl Duty) d) Asst Comdt Sivraman ( Geneal Duty) e) Asst Comdt Vihsal ( Technical Branch) YOU COULD BE THE NEXT- JOIN DEFENCE AS AN ASST COMMANDANT