Class II Skill Builder CD Rs. 300 only Compiled by sainik academy coimbatore

ssb coaching Our class II sainik preparation cd helps you to coach your child to prepare for the Sainik Class VI Entrance we have CDs for Class II Class III Class IV Class V View the sample below:- Price Rs. 300 only for class - 2 preparation - CD pay the amount in our account and get the CD delivered at your home. visit call 094437 20076 Pay on line order online- Internet banking available DO YOU HAVE IT ( THE SKILL) IN YOU? Every one of us do have certain skills, but to know what is that skill and to exhibit to the world you need some one to help, we are here to help you find the hidden skillLet us start with a class II kid. English- Logical Reasoning and analytical skill THE SKY When we get up in the morning before the Sun raise the colour of the sky is________________ . ( write the name of the colour) . As the Sun is about to come out of the clouds, the sky turns to__________________ .COLOUR. after a few mi...