
Showing posts from August 8, 2014

RIMC Entrance Exam December 2014

Applications are invited from boys for admission to the Rashtriya Indian Military College (RIMC), Dehradun (UK) for Jul 2015 Term which will be conducted at selected centres on 01(Mon) and 02 (Tue) Dec 2014. Age Criteria Ā· Candidates appearing for the above test should not be less than 11 1/2 years in age but should not have attained the age of 13 years as on 01 Jul 2015, i.e., they should have been born not earlier than 02 Jul 2002 and not later than 01 Jan 2004 Educational QualificationsĀ· Candidates should either be studying in Class VII or passed Class VII from any recognized school at the time of admission to the RIMC, i.e. on 01 Ju1y-2015. For more details visit:- Last date for receipt of application is 30-September-2014.

Different Interview techniques followed at the SSB Interview by the Interviewing Officers

Method I Rapport Building- This method is used to establish rappo with the candidates, Establishing ' RAPPO" means, making you   familiar, comfortable, easy, free and frank, so the Interviewing officer could induce his confidence in you and in turn you can induce your confidence in him. Method II Leading Questions-    ( yes  or no types) III Rapid Fir Questions (Bunch of question is fired rapidly) IV- Punctuating and bulldozing questions V- Questions related to logics and reasoning  VI Question of  daily routine At our academy we have an expert who will tell you all about it Call 094437 20076 join defence academy coimbatore 14 days of training will take you to the very door of success

Officer Like Qualities- What are they?

Officer like qualities are the basis demand of the Defence Forces. Projection become the responsibility of an aspirant, simultaneously evaluation is the job of an assessor,  being a projective technique who so-ever, projects appropriately will get through,  However, this system of selection is Psychologically based, scientific and fool-proof. When the personality is found at the above sacel of parameters then the candidate can't be bounced and if the personality is not up to the mark no one will recommend the candidate in the SSB. This is the Test of your personality, not the performances.  Your personality is bound to come when you perform, Optimum outcome amounts to a deserving personality as these tests are situational and quality demanding. Therefore the remedy is, to be natural, honest, truthful, specific and to the point. Factor - I- Intellectual Factor 1. Effective Intelligence 2. Reasoning Ability 3. Organising Ability 4. Power of expression Factor - II...

A word of advise to candidate who take SSB Interviews.

This is the part of closing address at the SSB Interview. One of the assessment officer would walk into the assembly hall after the conference is over. I give below a version of his closing address. Ladies /Gentlemen, very shortly we are going to announce the results but before I do that, let me explain you the meaning of the word "RECOMMENDATION".  In the SSB, we do not select or reject a candidate,  we only recommend or not recommend  a candidate for the armed forces, which means, we pass a verdict whether the candidates personality and attitude is suitable to be an Army/ Navy / IAF officer or not.  This verdict again is not final as the candidate may be having the qualities but he may not be able to display them due to some reasons or the other.  The very fact that many people clear their SSB in 7th or 14th attempts bears testimony to this fact.  The only difference between recommended and non recommended candidates is that the recommended candida...


Very often candidates ask the above question. What are the Qualities  the SSB is looking for in a candidate? In short, it can be said that we are looking for a person who is " Mentally, Physically, Emotionally and Psychologically  well balanced ." There are certain area where we may lower the bar a little like  Physical Stamina because it is understandable that in today's highly competitive environment, students very rarely get time for sports and exercise.  Like if someone cannot speak English, it can be worked upon, we have academies to do this job,  But there are some personality traits, which if you don't have, then it is a strict No-No.  For example if someone is not honest, no amount of training can make him honest.  Since it is an inborn virtue to be well nurtured from the childhood. Many times, candidates are hesitant to admit their negative traits.    We want that the person should have enough guts to ad...