
Showing posts from October 12, 2015

Who is who for RMS Entrance Exam 2016

ssb coaching Who is who for RMS Entrance Exam 2016 For school kids please read the Blue coloured ones 1.       Chief Election Commissioner - Dr. Nasim Zaidi 2.       Chairman, Airports Authority of India (AAI) - Shri S. Raheja 3.       Secretary-General, Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries(OPEC) - Abdallah Salem el-Badri 4.       Secretary-General, Gulf Co-operation Council - Abdullatif bin Rashid Al-Zayani 5.       Chief of the Naval Staff - Admiral Robin K. Dhowan 6.       President, International Cricket Council(ICC) - AHM Mustafa Kamal 7.       Chief of the Air Staff - Air Chief Marshal Arup Raha 8.       Chief of the Integrated Defence Staff - Air Marshal PP Reddy 9.       Chairman, Audit Bureau Circulation(ABC) ...

All India Sainik School Entrance Exam English Question Paper English- 2015

ssb- sainik- rms- rimc Entrance  coaching Academy Coimbatore we offer Residential and Non Residential Coaching Sell solved papers and preparation Guides and CDs + Online entrance exams   contact call 094437 20076 Make sentence on your own with the following words:- a) Covered b) Desert c) Stretch d) Uninhabited e) Variety Form meaningful sentences by rearranging the words in proper order :- .(a) a good / exercise/swimming/is (b) Middle East /India/to/the/exporting/is/onions (c) was/John/drinking /tea (d) m a n / a strong /Sardar Patel/was e)  named / Diamond/had/Newton/little dog/a Give one word for the following:- (a) One who knows everything (b) A building in which monks live (c) A person whose profession is to keep accounts (d) All the customs and beliefs of a society (e) Eater of flesh Choose the correct article (a, an or the) and fill in the blanks (a) Here is book I borrowed from you yesterday. (b) Jordan drives...


ssb coaching ACADEMY 094437 20076 AFTER AFCAT WHAT?    STEPS TO TAKE TO CLEAR AIR FORCE SSB INTERVIEW 1.By now you must have opted for a Centre and A date for your AFSB. 2. Now comes the big question on whether you should go to any coaching centre or just go through the SSB books. 3. Let me tell you straight.    a) Either you have the Quality or you Don't    b) If you think you have the Qualities that the SSB is looking for -and confident, then go ahead prepare what ever you can via the guides    you may, get through. c) If you have doubt, then head straight to an academy that has All the Three Ex selectors to help you crack the SSB d)  DEFENCE ACADEMY COIMBATORE  HAS THREE EX SELECTORS HOSTEL AVAILABLE LOW FEE SUCCESS RATE IS HIGH CALL 094437 20076 VISIT WWW.SSBCOACHING.COM E) Must attend as early as possible. g) Prepare for Interview go through news papers, Listen to TV News. ...

26 Years Solved papers for Sainik School Class VI is available visit

ssb coaching 26 Years Solved papers for Sainik School Class VI is available visit From 1991 to 2015 class VI solved papers  + work book + Self assessment CD Rs. 2750 only Order Online see call 094437 20076

Free SSB Coaching Offered

ssb coaching For the first time in Tamil nadu we are offering Free SSB training for 20 week ends only condition is the boy/ girl must qualify our Pre screening test no telephone calls just walk into our academy and register once we get 10 candidates we will start Only on saturday we conduct this test. time 0700 hour sharp we have kept it at 0700, so that only interested persons will come to our academy

we are offering Free SSB training for 20 week ends - Must Qualify in our Pre screening test

ssb coaching For the first time in Tamil nadu we are offering Free SSB training for 20 week ends only condition is the boy/ girl must qualify our Pre screening test no telephone calls just walk into our academy and register once we get 10 candidates we will start Only on saturday we conduct this test. time 0700 hour sharp we have kept it at 0700, so that only interested persons will come to our academy

All India Sainik Schools have started selling application forms for admission 2016-17.

ssb - sainik- rimc  entrance exam coaching academy All India Sainik Schools have started selling application forms for admission 2016-17. ISSUE OF APPLICATION & PROSPECTUS : 12 OCT 2015 TO 21 NOV 2015  LAST DATE TO SUBMIT THE APPLICATION : 30 NOV 2015  ENTRANCE EXAMINATION DATE : 03 JAN 2016  VACANCIES : For Class VI: 80 Nos and  for Class IX 15 Nos. (Approximately) We at Defence Academy Coimbatore offer Self Study kit with 25 Years solved papers Residential as well as Non Residential coaching offered contact 94437 20076

Amaravathi Nagar Sainik School- Admission - 2016-17 Prospectus details

ssb coaching For Entrance Coaching        Residential / Non Residential Please        Contact         094437 20076  -  For Class VI - (Date of Birth between 02.07.2005 to 01.07.2006) For Class IX - (Date of Birth between 02.07.2002 to 01.07.2003) The tuition fee in Sainik School is 56,418/Ā­ and Dietary Expense is 15,486/Ā­ for the year 2016-Ā­17  which will be increased every year as per the instruction of Board of Governors, Ministry of Defence, New Delhi.  The tuition fee and Dietary can be paid by the parents in Half Yearly and Yearly mode only.  In addition to the above, the following fees are also to be paid by the parents at the time of admission:  a) Clothing fees ā€¦ 1,500/Ā­ in the first year and 750/Ā­ in subsequent years.  b) Caution Money ā€¦ 3,000/Ā­ for General category and 1,500/Ā­ for SC/ST category...

All India Sainik School Entrance Exam - Set-02

ssb coaching For Entrance Coaching        Residential / Non Residential Please        Contact         094437 20076  -  Section ā€“ II 1.        Find the square numbers lying between 75 and 225. 2.        Simplify : 125 - 25 X 125 * 25 + 25 3.        Sudha scored 23 marks out of 30 in maths and 29 marks out of 50 in Hindi. In which subject did she perform better and by what percentage? 4.        Find the HCF of 902, 1394 and 3321. 5.        Jubaida took a loan of Rs. 4000/- on 12% annual interest. After 3 years how much money she will have to return? 6.        Find the square root of  (a)  6 and 9/ 36   (b) 5 and 41 /16 7.     ...

All India Sainik School Class VI Entrance Exam Original paper 2015 Free down load set -01

ssb- sainik- rms - RIMC- NDA- CDS- AFCAT- TA -Entrance  coaching Academy 094437 20076 All India Sainik School Class VI Entrance Examination Original Paper 2015 - Mathematics Section -I All India Sainik School Class VI Entrance Exam Original paper 2015 Free down load ALL INDIA SAINIK SCHOOL ENTRANCE EXAMINATION: 2015 PAPER I - MATHEMATICS Part "A" Mathematics has three sections containing 30 questions. Q. Nos 1 to 10 carry 2 marks each, Q. Nos 11 to 20 carry 3 marks each and Q. Nos 21 to 30 carry 5 marks each. Part "B" Language Ability Test contains 10 questions. Q. Nos 1 and 2 carry 15 marks each and Q. Nos 5 and 8 carry 5 marks each. The remaining questions carry 10 marks each. In this part you can write your answers in any one of the chosen language only. Time : 2 Hrs                            ...