2010 RIMC Original Paper- we offer 12 years solved papers for Cracking RIMC- Best academy in India .

RIMC coaching we send at least one candidate every term for the past 8 years www.sainikrimc,com we offer not 1 0r 2 books but 10 books with solved papers(incl) + One data DVD Rs. 3000 only Order On line www.ssbcoaching.com Rashtriya Indian Military College Mathematics Exam Paper 2010 RASHTRIYA INDIAN MILITARY COLLEGE. DEHRADUN Sainik School Previous Question Papers ENTRANCE EXAMINATION - JUNE 2010 SUBJECT : MATHEMATICS TIME: 1 Hr 30Mins MARKS: 200 Instructions: 1. Attempt all 30 questions ; Write all your answer separately on the answer sheet provided at the Exam Centre. 2. Part 'A' contains20 questions, and each question in this part carries five marks. 3. Part 'B' contains10 questions and each question in this part carries ten marks. 4. USE OF CALCULATOR IS PROHIBITED. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- PART 'A' (20 X 5 Marks) Q.1. Simplify: - -3/5 x (-10/9) x (21/-4) ...