Army Cadet College - Entrance coaching

INDIAN ARMY- Permanent Commission - Army Cadet College Passing Out Parade at Indian Miitary Academy Dehradun Terms and Conditions and Details about Officers Training Academy (Chennai) Army Cadet College - This is like NDA- but only those serving in the Army/ Navy/ IAF in the ranks can apply. . Two years in the min service required to take up this exam. 100 vacancy every six months. Advantages:- Written exam not very tough You will be competiting with in the group were all would be serving soldiers/ Sailors/ Air men Your entire training period will be counted towards pension unlike the NDA training You would be entitled for Salary during your training Period Even as a sgt/ hav/ cpo you can still try for this commission No max limit as the age is upto 27 years Note: This entry is only for those who are presently serving in the other ranks in the army / navy / iaf Name of course Army Cadet College vacancies per Course 200 per year Training Session J...