Class VI - Sainik- RMS - Mayo- Lawrence Entrance Preparation revision English

ssb coaching WE OFFR COACHING + SELL SELF STUDY KIT CALL 094437 20076 WWW.SAINIKRIMC.COM ENGLISH TEST FOR CLASS VI SAINIK āRMS ENTRANCE EXAM E1.Write the meaning of the following words and write a sentence using these words:- 5 marks a) Accommodate b) Admirable c) Bankrupt d) Conceal e) Decease E.2. From the given choices find the correct meaning of the words given and fill in the blanks: (10) There may be more words use your knowledge (Unfriendly, excuse, huge, blame, industrious, sparkle, avoid, fearful, rude, shameless, curious, censure, thrilled) a) Inquisitive b) Industrious ...