
Showing posts from September 25, 2014

Sainik School Nagarota Entrance Examination

Sainik School NAGROTA( Jammuu and Kashmir ) ENTRANCE EXAMINATION PREPARATION KIT Take a free mock test for sainik school 6th and 9th in our web site sample paper SAMPLE TESTS SAINIK ACADEMY COIMBATORE:-offers the following:- a) Self Study kit- ( 5 books and 1 dvd with more than 7000 self assessment tests) b) 25 previous Years Question papers c) On video- Life in Sainik school d) How to face the Interview on Video  Sainik School NAGROTA( Jammuu and Kashmir ) invites application from eligible boy candidates for admissions to Class VII and IX standards, through All India Sainik School Entrance Exam, for the new academic session 2015 ā€“ 2016. KINDLY NOTE:-Candidates are allowed to take the test in April for class VI and IX. Unlike other sainik school , sainik school NAGROTA starts its entrance from class VI and IX in April and not in January Entrance Exams:- ā€œDonā€™tā€™ say you donā€™t have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given ...


SAINIK ACADEMY HOSTEL Facilities Available for Students in our Hostel 1. FACILITIES AVAILABLE Separate Cot for each Candidate< light bed has to be brought by the candidate TV Hot water News paper Computer based tests LCD Projected classes to under stand basic concepts Home made food - (Veg- weekly once Non-Veg)(Eggs with Breakfast- 5 days in a week) Solar electricity> Washing Facilities 2.Teaching Faculty :- Colonel Jayavel Ms. Veda Mr. Ashok 3. Fee FOR COACHING:- Rs.15,000 per month- Inclusive of the above facilities 4. Location Defence Academy A-11, VOC Nagar Near SUjatha Hospital Ganapathy Ma Nagar 100 M East of VOC Bus Stop Coimbatore-641006 5. Visits GD Naidu Museum Coimbatore Psychometric Tests- and Visit to Congnito One day out door camp Hindu Quiz Competition Telephone - Cell Contact:- 094437 20076 Parents can leave a cell phone with their kids Kindly speak to them only after 8 p.M. Parents are requested to make use of the Call ...