Sainik School Nagarota Entrance Examination
Sainik School NAGROTA( Jammuu and Kashmir ) ENTRANCE EXAMINATION PREPARATION KIT Take a free mock test for sainik school 6th and 9th in our web site sample paper SAMPLE TESTS SAINIK ACADEMY COIMBATORE:-offers the following:- a) Self Study kit- ( 5 books and 1 dvd with more than 7000 self assessment tests) b) 25 previous Years Question papers c) On video- Life in Sainik school d) How to face the Interview on Video Sainik School NAGROTA( Jammuu and Kashmir ) invites application from eligible boy candidates for admissions to Class VII and IX standards, through All India Sainik School Entrance Exam, for the new academic session 2015 ā 2016. KINDLY NOTE:-Candidates are allowed to take the test in April for class VI and IX. Unlike other sainik school , sainik school NAGROTA starts its entrance from class VI and IX in April and not in January Entrance Exams:- āDonātā say you donāt have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given ...