
Showing posts from May 24, 2020

All india sainik school - Military School Entrance Examination- Class VI, IX Daily worksheet for maths,English

Defence Academy Coimbatore A leading coaching academy for Sainik, Military and RIMC Schools, NDA, IMA, AFCAT SSB, FSB Interview call 094437 20076 All India Sainik school - Military School Entrance Examination- Class VI, IX  Daily worksheet for Maths, English The cut-off marks for these school entrance exam has been increasing year after year. The only way to beat the competition and stay ahead is to Prepare to face the entrance examination well ahead of others. How can one do that? Practice Daily to crack the Entrance Examination. Irrespective of which competition exam you are going to prepare, commence your preparation at least one year ahead of the actual Entrance Examination. The main subjects are what you actually learn in your school in the respective classes.  Unfortunately, it is not enough to crack the entrance exam, one must be very thorough in his/her fundamentals. Speed and accuracy are the other two aspect...

JEE Mains Compulsory for TES Entry After 10+2

Defence Academy Coimbatore A leading coaching academy for Sainik, Military and RIMC Schools, NDA, IMA, AFCAT SSB, FSB Interview call 094437 20076 JEE Mains Compulsory for TES Entry  After 10+2 Hi army lovers, here is news that for some of you it may bitter. JEE Mains Compulsory for TES Entry | Technical Entry Scheme | Indian  ĆƒÅ•mĆæ - so for those of you who have not attempted JEE. It is your last chance to TES Course no 46 onwards, JEE Main is mandatory. apply in 2020. for 10+2 Tech entry army. So perhaps the only entry now without entrance exam for army is NCC Spl entry, JAG Entry. AEC, (Tech Entry) Direct All types of Service entry except ACC. Work hard, in your +2, and appear for JEE, as soon as possible, The days are not far off for NDA to announce JEE mains for its entry too. For those with commerce subjects in +2, it is going to be an uphill task. Defence Academy Coimbatore offers Notes for J.E.E. To buy order for the same via ...