Sainik school entrance coaching academy

Defence Academy Coimbatore A leading coaching academy for Sainik, Military and RIMC Schools, NDA, IMA, AFCAT SSB, FSB Interview call 094437 20076 Defence Academy Coimbatore (This SSB Coaching Academy has three SSB Assessment Officers as Faculty members) 471 Success at SSB/FSB) We have our own GTO Ground We have been training candidates for SSB / FSB We have trained Sainik School Cadets for NDA College and NCC Students for SSB of Army, Navy, IAF and Coast Guard Join us today for your success Academy Offers coaching for Sainik-RIMC-RMS- NDA-CDSE-AFCAT-INET-ACC-TA- IGRUA Self-Study Kit Online Practice test pack Residential and Non-Residential coaching for SSB Interview Sainik and Military Schools Call 94437 20076 This academy is being run by Retd Defence Officers Or call 63824 94918