Sainik School -Mizoram ChhingChhip- 2018 Admission Entrance Exam Guide available

Defence Academy Coimbatore A leading coaching academy for Sainik, Military and RIMC Schools, NDA, IMA, AFCAT SSB, FSB Interview call 094437 20076 All India Sainik School- Class VI- Entrance Examination- 2018 Our Entrance Preparation Kit consists of the following MaterialsSubject : 1. Mathematics- Work Book 2. Language - Work book 3. Intelligence Test - Work book ( Verbal and Non-verbal Intelligence) 4. Social Studies and Science- Work book (With solutions) 5. Model Guess Papers New Pattern 6. Self Assessment ( Q Bank CD) Cost of the Kit Rs. 2800 only Pirce includes one month free online test taking code You can order on line by visiting our web site:- ORDER ONLINE NOW Call: 094437 20076( Whatsapp) Sample of New pattern of sainik school entrance exam Sample paper prepared by SAINIK ACADEMY About the New pattern:- The aspirants would be test on the following subjects . Only Multiple choice with 4 options will be asked S.No: Subjects:...