New GK for sainik school entrance Exam 2018. Set 01 by defence Academy coimbatore
Defence Academy Coimbatore A leading coaching academy for Sainik, Military and RIMC Schools, NDA, IMA, AFCAT SSB, FSB Interview call 094437 20076 New GK for sainik school entrance Exam New GK For Sainik and RMS Class VI Know Our Country - S.No Item Answer Remarks 1 Capital New Delhi Old Kolkatta 2 Area 3.3 Million sq. km Land Area 3 Latitude 6Ā° 44' and 35Ā° 30' North latitude --- 4 LongitudeCapital 68Ā° 7' and 97Ā° 25' East longitude ---- 5 Official Language Hindi 22 Recognized Langauages 6 Total Coast Line -- 7,516.6 km _______ 7 Area covered by Forest 68 million hectares ----- 8 Population - 1.34 billion (134 crores) ----- 9 Major Religions Hindu,<80.5%) Muslim (13.4%), Christian 2.3% Sikh 1.9%, Jains, parsies, Bhuddhists /Others 1.8% 10 Ethnic Groups Indo-Aryan 72%, Dravidian 25% Mongoloid and other 3% 11 Male Population 623. 7 Million Female- 586.4 Million 12 Population Growth 1.64 %/td> 2001-2011 Censes 1...