Are You an Engineer? Then Do get into the Army/ Navy/ Coast Guard with out an entrance exam

ssb coaching Are You an Engineer? Then Do get into the Army/ Navy/ Coast Guard with out an entrance exam If you are an engineer and you have scored more than 60% in your exams you can apply for direct Services Selection Board Interview or Pre- Selection Board Interview 14 days training will polish you to put your best foot forward caLL 094437 120076 VISIT WWW.SSBCOACHING.COM 296 HAVE MADE IT YOU COULD BE THE NEXT Are You an Engineer? Then Do get into the Army/ Navy/ Coast Guard with out an entrance exam WE OFFER RESIDENTIAL COACHING FOR SSB/ FSB INTERVIEWS THREE EXPERTS WOULD BE AVAILABLE TO GUIDE YOU THROUGH THESE 14 DAYS CALL 094437 20076 WHO WE ARE? WWW.SSBCOACHING.COM WILL YOU GIVE YOU THE ANSWERS If you are in 3rd year then apply for University Entry Scheme if you are in the final year apply for direct ssb in army navy coast guard for IAF you will have to take on A...