Territorial Army Invites Short services Commission officers to join TA
ssb coaching Applications are invited from gainfully employed Ex Service Officers to serve the nation as Territorial Army Officers without having to sacrifice their primary professions. ELIGIBILITY CONDITIONS Only Ex-service officers who are medically fit. Age- 18 to 42 years on the date of application. Qualification -Graduate from any recognized university. Employment ā Gainfully Employed in Central/State Govt/ Semi Govt/Pvt Sector/Self Employed. Date of Interview : April 2016. Firm dates will be communicated later by post. Last Date of Receipt of Application : 31 January 2016. TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SERVICE Commission is granted in the rank of Lieutenant. Pay and Allowances and privileges will be same as Regular Army Officers when embodied for training and military service. Promotions upto Lt Col by time scale subject to fulfilling laid down criteria. Promotion to Colonel and Brigadier by selection. Officers commissioned in Infantry TA may be called out for mili...