
Showing posts from December 7, 2015

RMS- Sainik School Class VI English Revision Test ( Model Paper) Target 2016 ( set 03)

ssb - rms- Rimc- Sainik Entance Exam coaching Academy Coimbatore- Tamil nadu call 094437 20076. We have Self Study Skill builder  Guides RMS- Sainik School Class VI English Revision Test ( Model Paper) Target 2016 ( set 03) Q.1. Comprehension : Read the undermentioned passage and answer the questions given below:- Indus Valley Civilisation is one of the four earliest civilisations of the World along with the civilisations of Mesopotamia, Egypt and China.  The Civilisation forms part of the Prehistory of India and belongs to the Bronze age.  Also called Harappan civilisation because, first excavated site is Harappa.  Time period according to Radio Carbon dating 2350. According to Wheeler 2500 BC to 1500 BC. Extention From West to East 1550 km to Surkagen Dor in Balochistan ( pakistan) Alamgirpur to Meerut ( Uttar Pradesh). From North to South 1100km to Manda ( Jammu and Kashmir) in North to Daimabad ( Maharashtra) in South. Question: 1. What are the four...

Skill Builder Kit from defence academy Coimbatore for Sainik- RMS- RIMC- NDA- Cdse-TA - ACC exams

ssb - sainik- rms- rimc entrance exam  coaching Academy coimbatore- tamil Nadu 094437 20076 English for Competitive exams Skill Builder Kit from defence academy Coimbatore for Sainik- RMS- RIMC- NDA- Cdse-TA - ACC exams  Write a sentence by using the following words so as to bring out their meaning:- 1) Abandon Meaning: To leave forever                 Stop Doing something                 Abolish 2) Abdicate : To give up power  Sentence:  The old king abdicated the throne: 3). Absurd:  Means: Ridiculous, Unreasonable Sentence: Political parties indulge in Absurd arguments before the election. 4). Accede: Means- To agree Sentence: The business contract between the two parties was Acceded successfully. 5) Accord Means: Agreement Sentence: Crossing for a single run accused the score of the team.. 6) Adieu Mea...

06 Dec 2015 Mathematics questions for Sainik + RMS Entrance Revision test for class VI

ssb coaching Time 90 min                                                                                                                        pass mark 70 percentage  Every solution should contain the formula and answer Each question carries 2 marks each (10 x 2= 20) 1.        Multiply largest two digit number by 11 and express the answer in decimals 2. ...

A practical Guide to improve performance in Mathematics

A practical Guide to improve performance in Mathematics First of all why do students do not do well in mathsArithmetic consists of - 1. Addition 2. Subtraction 3. Multiplication 4. Division 5. Followed by word problems Speed and accuracy can be developed by by hearting the tables. Performing Mental Maths Learning and practicing Formula a short cuts and Logic are part and parcel of understanding the problem and way to solve the problem Maths can be divided into:- A) Basic concepts B) Application based problems C) Skill Based problems Or Higher Order of Thinking Example:- What is the Simple Interest earned on a sum of Rs, 10000 invested for 5years at 5% SI per annum This is a very simple problem and can be solved by applying the formula Model 2. Application based: What is the SI earned on an investment of Rs. 10,000 at 3.75% invested for a period of 73 days Here the candidate has to :- Convert the Days into years Use decimals Skill based:- If the SI earned i...

Maths Revision Test = Dec 07 Compiled by www,

ssb- RMS- Sainik Entrance coaching for study kit call 094437 20076 I.                     Numeration 1.        Find the sum of the greatest 5 digit number and the greatest 6 digit number.     2.        Write in Roman letters the product of 347 x 3 II.                   L.C.M 3.        Find the LCM of the following numbers, 8, 21, 52 and 64 4.        Find the HCF of 20, 15 and 5 III     Fractions: 5.        Rahim had Rs. 500, he spent 1/10 of this on newspaper, 3/10 on books 4/10th on food. Find the amount he spent on each item. a)       Divide:  83 Ā½  by 4 Ā¼  b...

ssb- nda- cdse- afcat -sainik-rms-rimc entrance coaching Academy RMS -Revision Test

ssb-sainik-rms-rimc entrance coaching Academy RASHTRIYA MILITARY SCHOOL ENTRANCE EXAM PREPARATION KIT 2016 FOR CLASS 6.  APPLICABLE FOR ALL RASHTRIYA MILITARY SCHOOLS (RMS). Model Paper - 1 Book. Workbook for English, Mathematics, Intelligence Test & General Knowledge. Total 5 Books and a CD. For more details visit /studykit.php or Free Assessment tests Sunday test Time 90 min                                                                                   ...