A practical Guide to improve performance in Mathematics

A practical Guide to improve performance in Mathematics

First of all why do students do not do well in mathsArithmetic consists of -

1. Addition

2. Subtraction

3. Multiplication

4. Division
5. Followed by word problems
Speed and accuracy can be developed by by hearting the tables.
Performing Mental Maths

Learning and practicing Formula a short cuts
and Logic are part and parcel of understanding the problem and way to solve the problem

Maths can be divided into:-
A) Basic concepts

B) Application based problems

C) Skill Based problems Or Higher Order of Thinking

What is the Simple Interest earned on a sum of Rs, 10000 invested for 5years at 5% SI per annum
This is a very simple problem and can be solved by applying the formula

Model 2. Application based:
What is the SI earned on an investment of Rs. 10,000 at 3.75% invested for a period of 73 days
Here the candidate has to :-
Convert the Days into years

Use decimals

Skill based:-

If the SI earned is equal to the Principal, and the SI was Rs. 10,000, invested for 10 Years, find the rate of Interest.
Here the candidate has to understand what is asked

Use the Formula to derive a sub formula to find the Rate of interest.

To derive a sub formula he has to use Logic and Reasoning
This skill finding test/ experiment was used on four candidates. The finding is given below :-


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