06 Dec 2015 Mathematics questions for Sainik + RMS Entrance Revision test for class VI

ssb coaching

Time 90 min                                                                                                                        pass mark 70 percentage
 Every solution should contain the formula and answer
Each question carries 2 marks each (10 x 2= 20)
1.       Multiply largest two digit number by 11 and express the answer in decimals
2.       Find the average if  age of five children 13,15,11,9,8
3.       A carpet is 6.6m long and 12.4 m wide find the area and perimeter of the carpet
4.       A trader paid 900 as simple interest for 3 years on the sum of 4500 borrowed by him. Find the rate of interest
5.       Convert 37440 min into weeks and days
6.       The perimeter of a rectangle is 56cm and its length is 20. Find the area of the rectangle
7.       Arrange the following in ascending order 3/7, 3/5, 1/2, 4/5 and 7/9
8.       Raj scored 315 marks out of 450 find marks in percentage
9.       What is the lcm of two numbers if their hcf is 2 and product is 112
10.     If circumference of a park is 88m find the diameter and area of the park

Each question carries 5 marks each (10 x3 = 30)
11.   The angle of the triangle are the ratio 2:3:5.find the angle and also write the name of the angle
12.   A library has a 1025 books in all. Out of these 205 books are in science and 164 are in math. Find the % of math book and science book in library
13.    Dev can do a work in 18 days and prakesh can do a work in 9 days. When will they complete their work if they work together?
14.   The average age of 5 boys is 13 if age of the two boys are 9 and 8 find the age of the remaining boys
15.   10- 2 1/3 x 3 + 3 ¾ - 2 ½ simplify
16.   a) If the four angle  of the diagram are 100, 130,110,80 find the fifth one

b) Find the value of g and h

1089 , MLXXXIX
Average age is 11.2
154meter square
Area = 81.84 meter square
Perimeter= 38m
36 Acute Angle
54 Acute angle
90 right angle
Rate =6.66%
Science 20 and math  16 percentage
26 days three weeks and 5 days
6 days
Breath = 8
Area =160 meter square
48 years
3/7,1/2,3/5,7/9and 3/5
4 ½
A =120 degree
B =110 degree


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