
Showing posts from September 2, 2015

Amaravathinagar Sainik School Admission 2016-17 clas vi and ix Self Study kit

sainik school entrance coaching Coimbatore Amaravathinagar Sainik School Admission 2016-17 clas vi and ix Self Study kit Prepared  by Ex Sainik School Educated Army Officer 25 Years solved papers + Work Book + Self Assessment Data DVD is available Order On line Visit and carry out net banking 

RMS GK -02 ( Admission Test -2016)

ssb coaching  For RMS Self Study kit/ Residential coaching call 094437 20076 visit to order online  21. Land of Golden Fleece is           a) Norway           b) Denmark           c) Australia           d) Gibralter  22. ___ is a bridge of sand and Rock between India and Srilanka this is called________Bridge           a) People           b) Adam           c) Ram           d) Lakshman  23. Panama Canal Connects           a) Atlantic and Pacific Oceans           b) Mediterranean Sea with Red Sea           c) North Sea and Baltic Sea           d) Baltic Sea and White Sea  24. Who discovered South Pole in 1912?    ...

Military School Entrance Exam GK Set 01 for 2016 Entrance class VI By

Rashtriya military school - sainik- rimc ssb coaching Academy General Awareness Quiz             General Awareness for School Entrance Examinations Compiled by  1. Which planet in our solar system has 24.6 has its Rotation period?           a) Earth           b) Mars           c) Jupiter           d) Neptune  2. Which planet has a maximum 63 satellite rotating around it?           a) Neptune           b) Uranus           c) Saturn           d) Jupiter  3. Which planet has the Slowest Rotation in solar system?           a) Mercury           b) Venus           c) Earth           d) Jupiter  4. The Deep...

Women Fare well at the SSB them their male counter parts Why?

ssb coaching academy WOMEN IN UNIFORM We thank this unkown author, we liked it we are sharing it WOMEN IN UNIFORM She is tough : The fact that she is in the military is enough to prove her mettle. She is tough not only mentally but physically too. Confidence oozing out: If you see any women who is an Armed Force officer, you can easily make out so. The reason being their faces beaming with confidence. She has a hard time managing her hair : Ever thought how difficult it is to manage long locks and still be on time for training. Or how tough it is to put them all inside the beret tidily. She has to fight that every day. And even harder to give them up : In OTA Chennai, i.e. in the training for Army, almost all women are asked to get a crew cut. Obviously love for uniform precedes love for hair. But still it is tough to give up the long lustrous lovely locks. Fights with solitude : We all know that Armed Forces is an area dominated by men. She feels homesick and...

Fear is the main cause of Failure. How to over come this while facing SSB/ FSB?

ssb coaching academy Best SSB/ FSB COACHING Centre in Tamil Nadu Defence Academy Coimbatore Three Officers would be training you to succeed at the SSB/ FSB 295 selections as on today visit Fee concession to dependents of Serving and Ex service personnel. Teachers, police, call 094437 20076 Also available CD  How to tackle SSB Interview Rs. 300 only order online All new customs: When a candidate goes for SSB, he has to face all new customs. Be it the fall in, the various new terminologies or the new style of living. It is true that before going to SSB we live our life in a different way, and in SSB it is different. This is very rapid transition and has to be adapted in a very short span of time. Terminologies: A lot of the candidates come from a civilian background. They get amazed and confused at the new terminologies which are used in SSB. These are normal terminologies for the people in the board and for those ...

Tips For facing the SSB / FSB Interview

ssb coaching Academy Every one wants to get selected. But  many a time candidates fail to make the grade. WHY? There may be many reasons. It could be under performance in any / all of the following tests Psychology Group Tests Interview Mock interview Coaching offered by Ex IO ( Former Vice President at SSB Allhabad) Join DEFENCE ACADEMY COIMBATORE FOR just 14 days of Coaching call 09443720076 How to create a good impression in personal interview ? Be mature and talk sense, but donā€™t be very serious or nervous, be joyful, try to be funnier even though you are a boring in real life, you should be happy that you are attending SSB interview which is still a dream for many. Be confident, whatever you have done in your life, have a supporting answer for that. Make sure that you support yourself in whatever you have faced in your life, take accountability of failures, never blame someone else. Talk like as if you have to impre...

Sainik School Entrance Exam (For Class VI) Study Guide by Expert ...

ssb- rashtriya military school- sainik school- rimc entrance coaching academy- 2016 Call :- 94437 20076 Visit: SYLLABUS FOR CLASS VI- ENGLISH AS PER CBSE CLASS V TEXT BOOK 1. Essay Writing. 2. Comprehension.  3. Vocabulary and Usage.  4. Gender. 5. Antonyms. 6. Synonyms. 7. Homophone. 8. Sentence types. (i) Interrogative. (ii) Negative. (iii) Positive. (iv) Exclamatory. 9. One word substitute. 10. Re-arranging words to make meaningful sentences. 11. Verb Forms. 12. Adjective. 13. Nouns. 14. Adverbs. 15. Grammatical Structures. 16. Letter Writing 17 Short para writing SYLLABUS FOR CLASS VI- MATHEMATICS  1. Number System Place value and face value of numbers, Comparison of numbers, writing greatest and smallest numbers, fundamental Operations on numbers including BODMAS rule, Rounding off numbers, Roman numeration, prime factorisation, LCM and HCF, squares and square roots, number patterns and series.  2. Fractions ...

costly mistakes committed by Aspirants during personal interview

ssb coaching academy   Some mistakes that must be avoided by aspirants during SSB Interview During an interview the questions would be based on your PIQ. ( how to write a good PIQ- SSB INTERVIEW CD Rs,300) The Interviewing officer would question you to bring out 15 OLQ points that the board is looking for. In order to make you relaxed, they will be very friendly. most candidates tell unwanted details and become too friendly with the IO and tell details that are not relevant. One Question that was asked and see  how the candidate answered: Why do you want to join the army? I heard that girls get impressed by a person wearing uniform, so I want to join the Army. In your PIQ you have mentioned that you do social work on Sunday and Holidays, what do you do? I go to a near by orphanage and help the children. Can you tell me the name of the Orphanage and when you visited last time? Sir, I am sorry I do not remember the name of the Orphanage, It wa...