Women Fare well at the SSB them their male counter parts Why?

ssb coaching academy


We thank this unkown author, we liked it we are sharing it


  1. She is tough: The fact that she is in the military is enough to prove her mettle. She is tough not only mentally but physically too.
  2. Confidence oozing out: If you see any women who is an Armed Force officer, you can easily make out so. The reason being their faces beaming with confidence.
  3. She has a hard time managing her hair: Ever thought how difficult it is to manage long locks and still be on time for training. Or how tough it is to put them all inside the beret tidily. She has to fight that every day.
  4. And even harder to give them up: In OTA Chennai, i.e. in the training for Army, almost all women are asked to get a crew cut. Obviously love for uniform precedes love for hair. But still it is tough to give up the long lustrous lovely locks.
  5. Fights with solitude: We all know that Armed Forces is an area dominated by men. She feels homesick and at times and isolated (though the men folk leave no stone unturned to make her homely) in the postings when she is may be the only women officer. Yet she fights her lonesomeness and gives her best shot.
  6. Perfection from Saree to Uniform: She can manage to carry a Saree and the Uniform with an equal grace. She manages to cook excellent meals, manage the house, run with guns, and motivate the men in her troop, equally well.
  7. Jack of all trades: She is great in sports, adventurous, well read and knows everything from dance to cross country and given a chance she can be horribly good in any sport, without even trying hard.
  8. Manages her relationships: For sure we live in a society where it is easier to find a match for a guy in military, because girls are assumed to leave their job and settle with the guy they are getting married to, but it is still hard to find a guy for a girl in the same position. Not many guys will be ready to relocate for their wife/girlfriend in military. So it is hard for her to find a match. And getting married isn’t enough, because then comes the dual responsibility.
  9. Being a duo-military couple is tough: Yes, there is an option to get spouse posting, but it is hard to manage a marriage in a case where duty comes before anything for both. Often deployments, relocations, different units and other stuff, she (and her counterpart) have to face a lot, yet the bumpy ride is good enough to give the best shot for their country.
  10. She knows the real meaning of the word “Hero”: When some are there shopping in the best malls, she is running with a 10 KG bag for her country. She puts camouflage instead of eyeliner, and chose mud over facials. She is setting examples for millions, to live their dream, not give up on any hurdle. She is the real hero, managing two difficult duties, from combat boots to high heels, extremely well.



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