SI Selection- Training - 2015

> DEFENCE ACADEMY COIMBATORE OFFERS Sub Inspector Of Police Tamil Nadu- Pre Selection Training From 01 March to 15 May 2015 When the Going Gets Tough THE TOUGH Gets Going To help the working professionals to attend the coaching classes we have scheduled the Seletion Training as follows:- Type - I : Fully Residential Coaching 75 days 1 March to 15 may 2015- Fee ----Rs. 37,500 Type - II : Daily class Physical and Morning Session only 01 March to 15 May - 75 days Rs. Fee------20,000 Type - III : Week End classes ie. Saturday and Sunday- From 07 March to 15 May 2015--Fee-- Rs. 15,000 classes from 0615 hours to 1700 hours Both days Including Physical Test- Break fast- Tea- Lunch, books and coaching. Classes from 09.30 to 1300 hours and in the evening 1500 to 1700 hours Test Contact:- DEFENCE ACADEMY COIMBATORE A-11, V.O.C. NAGAR ( Near SS. Hospital) Ganapathy Ma Nagar Coimbatore - 641006 Cell: 094437 20076 Buses to academy -...