2019- All India Sainik School Entrance Preparation Kit offered

2019- All India Sainik School Entrance Preparation Kit offered Rs. 2500 for Class V Rs. 2400 for Class IV Sainik School Admission Test-Cut Off marks -2018 All India Sainik School written test for class VI and IX was conducted on 07 Jan 2018. The result of this examination was announced on 08 Feb 2018 Even though the qualifying marks in the examination was fixed at 40 % many schools did have a higher cut off. As a result the candidates said to have been qualified has been left out of those finally called for Medical and Interview. parents should check with the respective schools to find the present result. I was shocked to see that in Sainik School Goherakal a boy who secured 203 out of 300 was not in merit. but at the same time some boys who got just 160 out of 300, ( Different Sanik School) were in the merit list and were called for medical and viva. The different schools have different cut -off Hence for those paren...