
Showing posts from August 11, 2015

AFCAT- Free Revision Test- Set -02 12 Aug 2015 by Defence Academy Coimbatore

ssb- afcat- NDA- cdse- FSB - Sainik - rimc- rms- ta- acc -  coaching Academy AFCAT- Free Revision Test- Set -02 12 Aug 2015 by Defence Academy Coimbatore We offer Crash course for 20 days AFCAT 14 days SSB Coaching Three experts to train you to crack the SSB and AFCAT Call 094437 20076 visit  English:- Q.1 One word substitution- 25 marks One who takes the dark side of things One who entertains his guests A man whose wife is dead One who is present everywhere A man of traditional beliefs One who does not believe in God Person  residing  in a country of which he is not a citizen One who believes easily whatever is told One who pursues some art of sport as hobby One who cannot pay off his debt One who has long experience One who knows many languages. That moves from one place to another ( Tip Starts with M--------  ends with Y) A post for which no salary is paid  ( starts with H---------y)  Allowance given t...

AFCAT Revision Mathematics- Set -01 By Free lessons by defence academy coimbatore

ssb- afcat- nda- cdse coaching academy DEFENCE ACADEMY COIMBATORE\PREPARES YOU  TO FACE AFCAT WITH CONFIDENCE THE ONLY ACADEMY  IN INDIA THAT GIVE FREE SSB COACHING FOR OUR AFCAT STUDENTS For Afcat preparation CD with book Rs. 1100 only visit Try these questions 11 August 2016- AFCAT MODEL Exam Revision Mathematic ā€“Skill Finding Test Time 2 hours                                                                                                                      100 marks Each Wrong answer will get 1 negative mark,   Each Right will fetch 5 marks 1.        A number consists of two digits....

Jawahar Navodaya vidhyalaya admission 2016-17 class VI- Guides and coaching available

ssb coaching Jawahar Navodaya vidhyalaya Sainik - RMS- RIMC Entrance Coaching For solved papers and Guides please contact call 094437 20076 Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas are set up to provide quality education. These are comparable to the best in a residential school system Eligibility:             Ā·          Candidates must be within the age group of 9 to 13 Years ( For Class VI)* Ā·          Should have studied in a rural school or urban school Ā·          Should have been promoted to the next class Ā·          Should not have appeared earlier for JNV test. Ā·          A candidate seeking admission must not have been born before 01-05-2003 and after 30-04-2007. This is for 201...