Summer Coaching for SSB Aspirants- One month Rs. 10 K only

Defence Academy Coimbatore A leading coaching academy for Sainik, Military and RIMC Schools, NDA, IMA, AFCAT SSB, FSB Interview call 094437 20076 Defence Academy Coimbatore offers Summer Coaching for SSB Aspirants Duration One month Rs. 10 K only Besides SSB Interview Tests, you will be getting an opportunity to attend camps and night outs, earn money as a free lancer and helping us to create awareness to students and teachers Our short and intensive training will help you to know the life in the army barracks and a chance to meet those in uniform. Interaction is the best method to know if you can fit the bill of the armed forces. We will be teaching you and guiding you to become a Performer in life. If yes call us 094437 20076 visit