Technical Entry Scheme- Short service Details- Army Job

INDIAN ARMY- SHORT SERVICE COMMISSION - TECHNICAL FOR MEN Passing Out Parade at Officers Training Academy Chennai Terms and Conditions and Details about Officers Training Academy (Chennai) Short Service Commission (Technical) (Men) Engineering Degree qualified candidates (Men) in notified disciplines are eligible under this entry scheme. Selected Candidates will be required to go through 49 weeks of training at OTA, Chennai. On completion of which they would be granted short service commission in the Army for 14 years. i.e for an initial period of 10 years extendable by a period of further 4 years. Officers desirous of leaving the service after completion of 5 years may, during the fifth year of service apply for release. Ant'e date seniority of Two years is also granted. Name of course Short Service Commission (Technical) (Men) vacancies per Course 50 Training Session Jan and July Age: 20 to 27 Years For B.E / B.Tech in Notified streams of Engg. Qualific...