Defence Academy Coimbatore A leading coaching academy for Sainik, Military and RIMC Schools, NDA, IMA, AFCAT SSB, FSB Interview call 094437 20076 1. What is the product of the successor and predecessor of the a) Least and b) Greatest 4 digit number? Q.No1 Step Working Least 4 digit No 1000, Successor is 1001 x Predecessor is 999 = 9,99,999 Greatest 4 digit No: 9999 + 1* 9999-1= 9998 = 9998000 2. a) What is the meaning of Percent? b) How much is 22 Ā¼ % of Rs.450? c) What is a discount? d) If a discount of 10 % is offered on an article, what should a man pay for an item marked as Rs.575? e) If a person buys for Rs.100 , he is given a discount of 15 % of the next article he purchase, and gets 10 % for the third article purchased, and 5 % for the four...