SSB interview Questions and how to answer them ?
SSB interview Questions and how to answer them ? 1) Tell me a little bit about yourself.āØāØ This is the question that is most likely to be asked first. I call it a two minute commercial about yourself. This is a great opportunity to sell yourself. The last 1 Ā½ minutes should be used to communicate your strengths and skills 2) Your Achievements In academics from class X onwards Your Strong and week Points Your Extracurricular activities Your NCC/ NSS / Scout or any other organisation of which you were a part. Sports and Hobbies that you like and participated About Your friends, teachers, boss Why you want to join the forces? Some questions about current events If you are a techie- a few questions about your subject If you had presented any papers , you may be asked to elaborate on it. Some times a few Situational Reaction questions would be asked. So be prepared and answer boldly N...