Wishing our NDA Cadets all the best on the eve of their Passing out from NDA

Defence Academy Coimbatore A leading coaching academy for Sainik, Military and RIMC Schools, NDA, IMA, AFCAT SSB, FSB Interview http://www.ssbcoaching.com call 094437 20076 Wishing our NDA Cadets all the best on the eve of their Passing out from NDA Congratulations on your success in completing the three years of hard training now you are being born in defence forces all the best for yet another year of Training Cadet Mujeeb Rehman and Cadet Srihari Cadet Rajeshker AEC on your commissioning from IMA Cadet Abishek Indian Navy Armament on your commissioning from INA Cadet Ashwin on commissioning from INA after 9 terms in 10 +2 Tech