All You want to Know about Army Cadet College and how to become an Officer after joining the Army as a Soldier ?

All You want to Know about Army Cadet College and how to become an Officer after joining the Army as a Soldier ? Joining the Army at an young age due to family circumstance is perfectly OK. But after you have joined why not try and become an Officer in the Army? In order to help the serving personnel of all the three forces, army has opened an Entry Scheme known as ARMY CADET COLLEGE Entry. Army Cadet College is located in Dehradun within the IMA Campus. It is a separate wing of the IMA The Qualification required to join ACC is One must have served as a Soldier, Airman, Sailor for about 2 years or more Age not exceeding 27 years at the time of entry in to ACC. To gain admission one has to take an entrance examination that consists of Four subjects a) Mathematics b) General English c) Aptitude Test (Reasoning/ verbal/ non verbal intelligence) d) Science and General awareness. Each paper has 100 Question...