
Showing posts from November 27, 2015

TIPS for SSB Aspirants - Tips for Better Performance at Group Tests.   Academy that has three Ex ssb selectors as Faculty TIPS for SSB Aspirants - Tips for Better  Performance at Group Tests. observed by GTO of Defence Academy Coimbatore  Here I have listed down some of the common mistakes the candidates do while performing the Out door tasks such as PGT/ HGT/ Command Task. Failure to pay proper attention to GTO while briefing.   Not following the rules and regulations while performing the Tasks. Ignoring willfully the mistakes committed, thinking that the GTO would not observe. Use of Abusive language to sub ordinates Lake of Creative ideas. Losing out the initiative Being more of an observer than a performer. Lack of team spirit. Not listening to others suggestion in the team. Dominating. We have observed a clear distinction between a fresher and a repeater. Most of the repeater do take a Know all attitude, which is the main cause of their failure. ...



Sainik - RMS Class VI Maths Revision Test- Nov 2015 compiled by

ssb - sainik- rms - rimc entrance coaching academy Maths revision for 27 th   Nov Sainik ā€“ RMS Aspirants 1.         Simplify:  ( 7Ā¾x 16/ 3)  31/ 3    2.        A family consumes 2 and 750 ml of milk per day. How many litres of milk was consumed by the members in the month of Feb 2016? 3.        The average age of eight numbers is 56, three of them are 57, 72 and 49. Find the average of the other five numbers. 4.        Car travels at a speed of 25m/s. to travel a distance of 320 km it would take_____ hours. 5.        A man bought 50 chairs at the rate of Rs. 70 each. He kept 5 chairs for his used and sold the remaining at the rate of Rs. 80 each. Find his gain or loss. 6.        A cuboidal tin is 30 cms long, 30 cms wide and 50 cms high.  It contains...

We train you to become a leader-

ssb coaching 14 days SSB/ FSB Interview coaching offered call 094437 20076 Three experts to guide come over to ensure success A starting point in understanding your style is asking people who have seen you in any type of leadership role to describe  how you act as a leader. Tell them you are thick skinned and not looking for compliments. If asking open-ended questions  does not furnish you the information you can try the following probes:  In your opinion, do I put more emphasis on the relationships with people, or do I focus more on the task at hand? Do I come across as a taskmaster? Do I come across as too easy-going with people? How much direction do I provide? How responsive am I to the needs of the group members? As a leader, am I a pussycat? Does my leadership inspire you, or anybody else? As a leader, do I come across as a hard-core bureaucrat? How warm and supportive am I as a leader? The following table illustrates t...

TIPS For SSB / FSB Aspirants- Leadership Explained compi;led by

ssb coaching call 094437 20076 14 days ssb coaching offered we also train candidates for Banks, AFCAT, CDSE Motivating Skills One of a leader's most important responsibilities is motivating people to do things in the interest of the organiszation. It pays to take seriously the motivational principle that people are motivated by self-interest. This principle is referred to as "what is in it for me?"  Reflect on your own experience. Before working hard to accomplish a task you probably want to know how you will benefit. If your manager asks you to work extra hours to take care of an emergency, you will most likely oblige. Yet you might be thinking "If I work these extra hours, my boss will think highly of me. As a result, I will probably receive a good performance evaluation and maybe a better-than-average salary increase."  As a leader or potential leader, you should be aware of some of the more prevalent needs group members probably want to satis...

Leadership skill- ssb tips by

ssb coaching The skill set required for becoming a leader consists of acquiring creative skills, communication skills, motivating skills and team working skills. Creative Skills  Leadership is about creative thinking. Here are some things that you can do to foster creative problem solving. Keep track of your original ideas by maintaining an idea notebook. Few people have such uncluttered minds that they can recall all their past flashes of insight,especially when they need them. Stay current in your field and hunt for ideas. Having current facts at hand gives you the raw material to link information creatively. Creativity often takes the form of associating ideas that were previously unassociated. Adopt a risk-taking attitude when you find creative solutions. You will inevitably fail a few times, not to worry. One or two innovative ideas per year is sufficient to develop a reputation as a creative problem solver. Develop a creative mental set. Allow you...

ssb interview tips

ssb coaching One our cadets informed the IO that he is an aptitude trainer and teaches college students. Then our IO asked him this question , you can try if you can solved it. to know the answer please visit Puzzle An elephant and a tiger were carrying full sacks on their backs. The elephant started complaining that his load was too heavy. The tiger said to him "Why are you complaining? If you gave me one of your sacks I'd have double what you have and if I give you one of my sacks we'd have an even amount." How many sacks were each of them carrying? Give the minimal possible answer. Defence Academy Coimbaore A-11, VOC Nagar Ganapathy Coimbatore PIN 641006 CALL 094437 20076 WWW.SSBCOACHING.COM View Solution  Lets assume that the elephant was carrying E sacks and the tiger was carrying T sacks. As the tiger told the elephant, "If you gave me one of your sacks I'd have dou...

TIPS For SSB Interview- Compiled by Defence Academy Coimbatore

ssb coaching  ACADEMY WITH THREE EXPERTS CALL 094437 20076 LEADERSHIP IMPORTANT QUALITIES Leadership can be explained in many different ways. Here are some ways. A way of influencing people beyond routine compliance with directions and orders. An act that causes others to act or respond in a shared direction. A force that motivates and coordinates an organization to achieve its objectives. An ability to inspire confidence and support among people who are needed to attain organizational goals. A leader who can inspire, persuade, influence and motivate can spearhead useful changes. Bringing about change is a critical leadership goal because most change requires a departure from status quo. A leader creates a vision for others and then directs them towards that vision. To be a leader you must have followers who have confidence in you and who give you their support and commitment to a goal. The following are important skills for a leader. Inspiration : It...