TIPS For SSB / FSB Aspirants- Leadership Explained compi;led by

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One of a leader's most important responsibilities is motivating people to do things in the interest of the organiszation. It pays to take seriously the motivational principle that people are motivated by self-interest. This principle is referred to as "what is in it for me?" 

Reflect on your own experience. Before working hard to accomplish a task you probably want to know how you will benefit. If your manager asks you to work extra hours to take care of an emergency, you will most likely oblige. Yet you might be thinking "If I work these extra hours, my boss will think highly of me. As a result, I will probably receive a good performance evaluation and maybe a better-than-average salary increase." 

As a leader or potential leader, you should be aware of some of the more prevalent needs group members probably want to satisfy on the job. Giving people an opportunity to satisfy these needs will improve your motivational force. While motivating others keep the following in mind:
 Achievement : People with a strong achievement drive find joy in accomplishment for its own sake. The achievement need can be satisfied by building something from the ground up or completing a major project.
 Power : People with a high power need feel compelled to control resources, such as other people and money. To truly satisfy a power need, a person would have to hold a significant managerial or leadership position. However, you might be able to appeal to a group member's power need by giving the person a chance to control a major account. For many people, a taste of power beats the deprivation of having no power all.
 Affiliation : People with a strong affiliation need seek out close relationships with others and tend to be loyal as friends or employees. Promising an employee an assignment to a stable work group can appeal to his or her need for affiliation.
 Recognition: People with a strong need for recognition want to be acknowledged for their contribution and efforts. The recognition motive can be satisfied through winning contests, receiving awards, and seeing one's name in print.
 Dominance : People with a strong need for dominance want to influence others towards their way of thinking, often by forceful methods. People driven by dominance often take over in meetings and volunteer to be leaders,and they are good at hard sell. A leader can appeal to person's need for dominance by rewarding the person with a chance to be in charge of something important.
 Order: People with a strong need for order have the urge to organize things. They also want to achieve arrangement, balance, neatness and precision. Projects abound on any job that might appeal to a person's need for order. Among them are organizing a database or reorganizing a warehouse.
 Thrill-seeking : People with a strong thrill-seeking motive crave excitement and are driven to a life of stimulation and risk-taking, such as conducting avalanche rescues. Dealing in penny stocks can satisfy the thrill seeking urge, as can introducing a new product in a highly competitive environment. You might appeal to a thrill-seeker in your group by rewarding the person with the opportunity to repossess company property.
 Security : Most people have a strong need to work in a safe environment to be free from both physical and emotional injury, and have relatively stable employment. The need for security can be satisfied by a safe, friendly work environment and a full-time, relatively permanent job.

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