Rashtiriya Military School CET 2019 Solved paper English

Defence Academy Coimbatore A leading coaching academy for Sainik, Military and RIMC Schools, NDA, IMA, AFCAT SSB, FSB Interview http://www.ssbcoaching.com call 094437 20076 RIMC and Sainik - RMS Class IX Entrance Examination English Language Preparation Worksheet Dear Parent, I am sure you are aware how tough the English language question paper given to RIMC aspirants Here are a few work sheet to know if your child is prepared enough to qualify in the forth coming Entrance Examination. we have given 4 worksheet to enhance the language skill and one full test paper. Help your child to know where he /she stands. P ass mark is 50 % visit our web site www.ssbcoaching.com and order the worksheet part II online it costs just Rs.10 only Click on this link to purchase the wroksheets https://www.instamojo.com/ssbcoaching/rimc-and-sainik-rms-class-ix-entrance-examin/