
Showing posts from September 28, 2015

Sainik School Class VI and IX admission Age creteria

ssb - sainik entrance coaching Academy sainik school entrance for 2016- 17 session  Class VI Not earlier than 02 July 2005 and Not later than 01 July 2006 for class IX Not earlier than 02 July 2002 and Not later than 01 July 2003

Sainik School Entrance Exam Notification for admission 2016-17 Session

ssb coaching ENTRANCE EXAM : SAINIK SCHOOL CLASS vi AND ix 2016-17 Syllabus : The standard of examination for admission to class VI would be equivalent to that of Std. V as per the prescribed syllabus of the National Council of Education Research and Training (NCERT/ CBSE).  Qualifying Standards  for VI & IX Classes  A. For candidates appearing in the General Category and for children of Defence personnel the minimum qualifying marks in the entrance examination are: 25 % in each paper and 40 % aggregate B. For candidates appearing in the Scheduled Caste/Schedule Tribe categories, there are no minimum qualifying marks but only inter-se-merit, which is relative merit among competing SC/ST candidates against available vacancies. Depending on the number of vacancies available from time to time, candidates in the merit list will be required to appear before a Selection Board for an interview and before a Medical Board for medical examination. The interv...

All India Sainik School entrance Exam Date Announced for 2016-17 admission

RMS - Sainik Free Entrance Exam sample Paper Target 2016 designed by www.sainikrimc,com

RMS - Sainik Free Entrance Exam sample Paper Target 2016 designed by www.sainikrimc,com

ssb- rms- rimc- sainik Entrance coaching Academy RMS - Sainik Free Entrance Exam sample Paper Target 2016  designed by Tip to success at Entrance Concentrate more of Mathematics        Sainik- RMS-Class VI Entrance Exam Pre prapation test. Designed by    1. Min marks to be obtained is 50. Each question Please take note book to perform calculations Time allowed is 60 mins all the best  this test contains maths eng int gk ARE YOU READY?           a) Yes           b) No    2. Maths:-   ______________is neither EVEN nor an ODD number.           a) 0           b) 1           c) -1           d) 100    3. ...


ssb coaching     ARMED FORCES PREPARATORY ACADEMY, COIMBATORE (AFPAC) Aim The academy aims at training selected young boys from all over India for permanent commission in the Armed Forces through the National Defence Academy, Pune and 10+2 Tech Entry at Officers Training Academy, Gaya. The academy will initially target training 30 boys as the residential program. What we proposed to do? The training will focus the following areas; 1.       Regular academic course ā€“ all the cadets has to compulsorily study Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics in +1 and +2, since these subjects are essential requirement for the NDA written test and 10+2 Tech entry. The school concerned shall look after this part. 2.       NDA written preparatory course ā€“ This part shall be coordinated with the staff of Defence Academy Coimbatore so as to prepare them for the NDA/10+2 tech. This will focus on preparing the cadets for the...