Sainik School Entrance Exam pattern being Revised from 2018 Entrance
Defence Academy Coimbatore A leading coaching academy for Sainik, Military and RIMC Schools, NDA, IMA, AFCAT SSB, FSB Interview call 094437 20076 SAINIK SCHOOL KALIKIRI ALL INDIA SAINIK SCHOOLS ENTRANCE EXAMINATION (AISSEE) -2018 Exam Date: AISSEE -2018 IS SET TO BE TENTATIVELY HELD ON 07 JANUARY 2018 (SUNDAY) Important Information for the said examination is as under: Class VI: ā¢ Boys born between 02 July 2007 and 01 July 2008 (both days inclusive) are eligible for admission in class VI for the academic year 2018-19. Class IX: ā¢ Boys born between 02 July 2004 and 01 July 2005 (both days inclusive) are eligible for admission into class IX for the academic year 2018-19. OMR BASED EXAM: ā¢ The exams are likely to be OMR based. QUALIFYING MARKS: ā¢ The examination will have qualifying mark of 25% in each subject with 40% in aggregate in the written examination and Inter-se merit of SC/ST candidates. REVISED PATTERN: TIME TABLE FOR ENTRANCE EXAMIN...