RMS Model paper Compiled by www.sainikrimc.com

ssb- rms- rimc- sainik nda coaching Success is the sweeter than the sweet you are offering me says cadet Rajaram yadav who made it at ssb bangalore for Tech Entry SS. Congratulations GC Yadav. He is our 302nd candidate to make it at the SSB We offer Self Study kit Solved papers contact 094437 20076 For On line order www.ssbcoaching.com A ENGLISH QUESTION BOOKLET Total Questions Total Marks-- Total Time 35 -- Min. SET A I Spell the word correctly. (5 Marks) 1. Gram _ (a) mor (b) mar (c) mer (d) mre2. Indivi _ (a) dual (b) duel (c) dull (d) dule 3. Emba _ (a) rrass (b) rass (c) rras (d) rase 4. Necess (a) ety (b) aty (c) ity (d) tty 5. Apolo _ (a) gise (b) gize (c) jies (d) jise II. Read the following passage and answer questions based on passage. (10 Marks) Alexander on his way back, met a saint. The saint was sitting on a coarse grass mat and basking in the sunshine. Alexander stood in front of him and hoped that the saint would p...