We prepare Candidates for joining Defence Forces as Officers

Defence Academy Coimbatore A leading coaching academy for Sainik, Military and RIMC Schools, NDA, IMA, AFCAT SSB, FSB Interview http://www.ssbcoaching.com call 094437 20076 ime to celebrate 396th Candidate got his final Joining instructions to join Naval Training academy 397th Candidate earmarked for 125th AEC Course at Dehraduun JUne 2017 398th Candidate waiting for Joining instructions to join NDA 399th Candidate waiting for Joining instructions to Join BSF Trg academy 395 th candidate is still to be cleared by medical board for Knock Knee. We are happy to invite the selected candidates to our academy for Felicitation and being introduced to Coimbatore district collector shortly Felicitation at NCC Officers Mess Coimbatore Please come with your parents contact Colonel Jayavel for exact date and time DEFENCE ACADEMY COIMBATORE A-11, VOC NAGAR NEAR SS HOSPITAL GANAPATHY POLICE QUARTERS A...