
Showing posts from October 22, 2014

Buy- Solved papers of RIMC- Sainik - Class VI and IX kit

Buy- Solved papers of RIMC- Sainik - Class VI and IX kit

Sainik School Interview on a CD is yours for Just Rs. 300 only, 26 years papers solved Rs. 550

All India Sainik School Entrance Examination solved papers- Guides- Interview Tips Sainik School Class- VI-      26 years papers solved Rs. 550 Sainik School Interview on  a CD is yours for Just Rs. 300 only Sainik School - Full kit- 5 books and 1 dvd Rs. 2600

For 14 Days SSB Interview Training - Psych test- 01

For ssb interview training For 14 Days SSB Interview Training call 094437 20076 14 days Rs. 6500 only  PSYCHOLOGY THEMATIC APPERCEPTION TEST - (TAT) Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) is the first test in Psychologist Test Series. This test was designed by Henry A. Murray and Christiana D. Morgan. In this test a set of provocative yet ambiguous pictures are shown to the you, as you are required to interpret a story from the picture hence the test is some times also called as picture interpretation technique. You are required to write your story on the following points. What has led up to the situation. What the characters are feeling and thinking. What is happening at the moment. What is the final outcome of the story. No. of Pictures : 12 Time of each Picture : 30 Seconds + 4 Minutes In this test you will be shown 12 pictures, 11 pi...

Discussion seating form SSB - Stage

Show confidence Speak slowly but firmly Be audible No slangs If your story is way off- adjust to suit with others by making suitable amendment all the best For SSB Training

Picture Perception and Discussion Test - At SSB SCREENING Test Phase I

Screening - Picture Perception and Discussion Test Picture Perception and Discussion Test (PPDT) is the second test in Screening series, This test comprises to two parts, first is Perception and second is Discussion. Picture Perception : For the purpose of perception you will be show a Hazy (very blurred) Picture for 30 Seconds. This picture is intentionally made very Hazy (some one will find 4 person and some will find only 1 person in the picture) in order to check you perception skills. Within this 30 Seconds you must find how many characters are there in the picture what is their age, sex and mood. After that you will be given 1 Minute time to mark the character in a square box (see PPDT Sheet) and within this 1 minute you have to also write what action is taking place in the picture, the action is nothing but the summary of your story in one line. As soon as your 1 minute completes you will be given 4 Minute...

Screening test Sample- For ssb aspirants

Officer Intelligence Rating or OIR is a test of intelligence of a candidate. This test comprises of two test booklets, each booklet have around 40 (sometimes 50) questions for which you will be given 17 Minutes time (will increase for 50 questions). You must try to solve all question in the given time. Generally candidates talks unnecessarily about marking scheme of OIR that is if that much questions are correct then OIR 1 or so. But you must avoid any such talk as you can't control these things but you can surely control your performance so focus on that. No. of Questions in each Booklet : 40 Time for each Booklet : 17 Minutes The Questions in this test are so easy that even a 10th grade student would be too smart to do all of them correctly, but time is the factor which matters the most so match up yourself with time limit. There is No Negative marking in this test. "Watch is not al...

SSB Procedures: Followed at Defence Academy Coimbatore

SSB Procedures: Followed at Defence Academy Coimbatore see Stage Days Stage I Day 1 : Screening Test IQ Test ā€“ Verbal and Non verbal Picture Perception & Description Test / Discussion  Stage II Day 6 :Psychological Test Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) Word Association Test (WAT) Situation Reaction Test (SRT) Self Description Test Day 3 : Group Testing Officerā€™s (GTO) tests  Group Discussion Lecturette Group Planning Exercise Progressive Group Test Group Obstacles Race Half Group Task Day 3 : Group Testing Officer ā€“ Tests & interviews of candidates Individual Obstacles Command Task Group Task Stage III interviews of candidates - 1/2 days ...

Indian Army Tech Entry Scheme- Free B.Tech

Get  A free Tech+ 5 lakh Stipend Eligibility: - Any 10 + 2 male candidate who has 70% and above in +2 with PCM can apply Age: 17 to 19 1/2 Date of SSB Interview expected - Feb/March 2015 Vacancy -90 Apply on line last date 21 Cct to 28 Nov 2014   We at Defence academy Coimbatore Train you for ssb Get Trained for SSB 14 days SSB Interview Coaching for Rs. 6000 +500 includes Study kit hostel Rs. 250 per day