Indain Coast Guard - PSB tips for OIR Test

PRE-SELECTION BOARD- INDIAN COAST GUARD-TESTS EXPLAINED Pattern as per our student who appeared for the test is given below for the benefits of the aspirants The test consists of SEVEN sets of Questionaire. Non-Verbal Tests: Series Q.1 evening is to morning as dinner is to ? breakfast soup coffee time 2. left is to right as horizontal is to ? below middle down vertical 3. all is to many as few is to ? some never none always 4. hip is to ankle as shoulder is to ? knee bone wrist joint 5. butcher is to knife as hairdresser is to ? scissors hair curls blond 6. warm is to hot as old is to ? oldest history years antique 7. Europe is to Spain as North America is to ? Alaska Canada Venezuela New York 8. earth is ...