
Showing posts from January 12, 2015

Amitabh Bachchan Talk in NDA

Amitabh Bachchan Talk in NDA BIG B At National Defence Academy ā€˜It would be a travesty against your honour but to speak plainly here among you. You are the ulti mate guardians of our nation, our culture, our civilisation. As guardians, you are not only trained as preservers of our peace, but also as warriors for our battle. You are not only trained to protect life, but to take life, and give your own. Your vocation is our life and our death, both collectively and individually.ā€™ ā€˜The hard truth of the matter is that the military is the formal institution of the state for the conduct of violence. The military in a democracy is the formal institution of the state for the conduct of legitimateviolence.ā€™ ā€˜We can only have good government of a nation if its individuals first govern themselves well, follow the script of citizenry. Good government is thus mirror to good self-government. This brings good citizenship for all. And to be that citizen is to understand the value ...

Commercial Pilot Training - In India

The best two civil flying schools are a) IGRUA  ------- Indira gandhi Rashtriya Uran Akademi Rae Baraili b)GONDIA - Indoor Edn 10+ 2 with Physics and maths Age 17 years to 30 years Written test Medical we at Defence academy coimbatore give Written exam coaching + Pilot Aptitude exam  and Interview Coaching we also supply books to crack the written test Rs. 1500 only + CD + Postal charge Rs. 500 only call 094437 20076    IGRUA- GONDIA Written test pilot course entrance exam

NDA - TA - CDSE- AFCAT- ACC Model Paper

Model paper for NDA- CDSE- AFCAT (ANTONYMS) Directionsā€”(Q. 1ā€“8) Each of the following Eight items consists of a word or a group of words bold-capital letters, followed by four words or groups of words. Select the word or group of words that is most nearly opposite IN MEANING to the word or the group of words in bold-capital letters. 1. SINGULAR (A) Nearby (B) Ordinary (C) Wide (D) Modern 2. RECLUSE (A) Criminal (B) Wise (C) Gregarious (D) Timid 3. BE NO SLOUCH (A) Inefficient (B) Honest (C) Saintly (D) Well-known 4. OPPROBRIUM (A) Very easy (B) Suspenseful (C) Modern (D) Praise 5. SOLICITOUS (A) Mild (B) Showing no concern for (C) Grateful (D) Cheerful 6. UNDER DURESS (A) Dry (B) Volition (C) Affluence (D) Lack of commitment 7. LACONIC (A) Sullen (B) Handsome (C) Verbose (D) Sharp memory 8. SLOTHFUL (A) Credulous (B) Highly skilled (C) Without resources (D) Sprightly (SYNONYMS) Directionsā€”(Q. 9ā€“16) Each of the following Eightitems consists of a word in Bold-capital letter...

Tests for Solider Recruitment Indian Army

Physical Fitness Tests (PFT): To determine the Physical Fitness, the following tests carrying 100 marks are held: (a) 1 Mile Run (b) Pull Ups (c) Balance (d) 9 Feet Ditch Marking system is as follows: (a) 1 MILE RUN (i) 5.40 Mins and below 60 Mks (ii) 5.41 Mins to 5.50 48 Mks (iii) 5.51 Mins to 6 .05 36 Mks (iv) 6.06 Mins to 6.20 24 Mks (b) PULL UPS (i) 10 and above 40 Mks (ii) 9 - 33 Mks (iii) 8 - 27 Mks (iv) 7 - 21 Mks (v) 6 - 16 Mks (c) BALANCE Should be qualified and no marks are awarded. (d) 9 Feet Ditch Should be qualified and no marks are awarded. Medical Standards: (a) A candidate should have robust physique and good mental health. (b) Chest should be well developed having minimum 5 Cms expension. (c) Should have normal hearing with each ear and good binocular vision in both eyes. He should be able to read 6/6 in distance vision chart with each eye. Colour vision should be CP-III. (d) Should have sufficient number of natural healthy gum and teet...

Join Indian Army as a solider - Procedure

Soldier is the primary fighting force of all the armies in the world. Also known as Ground Troop or  Sepoy or Rifle Man in the Indian army, a soldier is the one who take the enemy head on. A soldier's courage and valour determines the outcome of a war. Going by this fact one may think that there will not be any taker of this responsibilty. But reality is contrary to the belief, and is proved by long lines of young Indian (and some time even younger than the required) in Open recruitment rallies throughout the country.Country is full of young energetic youths who are ready to serve the country in this capacity. Like in any other profession competition is really hard to join Indian Army as a soldier too. Those who are mad to wear olive green know that, what they are going to do can not be done by others. They know that they are the only oneā€™s that are not known as Hindu, Sikhs, and Muslims etc. They are known as Soldiers of The Indian Army. And there is no dearth...

Sainik Entrance Coaching - 2015

All India Sainik School Class VI Rashtriya Military School Class VI Rashtria Indian Military College Class VIII Navodaya Entrance Examination Self Study Kit and Previous years solved papers Latest Updated version is available for aspirants to take up the any of the above Entrance Examination 2015 Details of our Special Study kit is as given under:- SAINIK GURU - Class VI:- 26 Previous Years solved Papers of SAINIK SCHOOL Class -6 Mathematics Work book - All chapters of Class V covered English work book Intelligence Test Book let English 26 Years solved papers DVD- Contains more than 7000 Self assessment test How to face Interview ? DVD Points to look out before medical Cost of Kit Rs.2600 only TO ORder Click on the link Bloew:- ORDER NOW To know more about our services please Visit our blog www. Sainik- Military- RIMC- Navodaya Entrance Exam Kit for sale SAINIKGURU- All India Sainik School ...

Get Trained for SSB at COIMBATORE

Get Trained by experts for NDA SSB  at COIMBATORE 14 days ssb interview training by experts Rs. 6500 only call 094437 20076 Three officers would be training you to succeed 217 sent to academy as on date

NDA - When to appear?

NDA - When to appear? The best time to appear for NDA is while you are in class XII apply as soon as you enter into class XII Online application for NDA Take the Exam in Aug/ Sep  The NDA portions are of class X and XI only so need not worry too much about class XII subjects Start your preparation while you enter into class X Its neither difficult nor easy- Tick only what you are 100 % sure all you need is just 50% so start working  right from today. Do  not wait till you pass Class XII if you have to put in effort start this in class X and not 2 to 3 months before NDA exam. all the best we at  Defence Academy  start coaching boys just after class X, is that during holidays call 0944 37 20076      
Becoming a Pilot may be a dream of many how to become one let us see the ways and means Defence Academy Offers coaching for entering into Defence Services in India we also give consultation on how  to become a civil commercial pilot call us at 094437 20076 visit us in person to know more How To Become A Pilot In The Indian Defence Forces? YES YOU CAN- ANY ONE CAN BECOME A PILOT QUALIFICATION A few Qualification that is expected from a candidate who aspire to become a Pilot as for as Indian Air Force or Indian Navy / Indian Coast Guard / Indian Army or other Central Police Organisation are:- Edn: Upto +2 With Physics and Maths Health: Physical fitness shape - 1 Eye Power: not more than 0.5 but correctable up to 6/6 Must Qualify in Pilot Aptitude Test Should not be suffering from colour blindness Leg Length from hip bone to heal should not be less than 99 cm Should have qualified Services Selection ...

How To Become A Pilot In The Indian Defence Forces?

How To Become A Pilot In The Indian Defence Forces? YES YOU CAN- ANY ONE CAN BECOME A PILOT QUALIFICATION A few Qualification that is expected from a candidate who aspire to become a Pilot as for as Indian Air Force or Indian Navy / Indian Coast Guard / Indian Army or other Central Police Organisation are:- Edn: Upto +2 With Physics and Maths Health: Physical fitness shape - 1 Eye Power: not more than 0.5 but correctable up to 6/6 Must Qualify in Pilot Aptitude Test Should not be suffering from colour blindness Leg Length from hip bone to heal should not be less than 99 cm Should have qualified Services Selection Board Interview A under graduate Degree in any discipline (First Class) Male candidates are eligible to fly Fighters Female Candidates are eligible to fly Helicopters or Transport Air crafts Age should be between 18 to 24 years( in case of CPL Holders - 25 years) For coast Guard it is upto 26 years HOW TO ENTER? For M...