
Showing posts from September 14, 2014

Residential Coaching for RIMC- RMS- SAINIK SCHOOL Entrance Preparation.

Residential Coaching for Sainik - RMS- RIMC Defence Academy Coimbatore Residential Course programme- dates, and Fee details Items to be brought see Physical Fitness Every day 45 mins Written assessment Test- All subjects- Every Saturday Computer Based Assessment Tests Last 15 days Outdoor Visits once in Every 15 days Details:- Fee First Month: Rs. 15,500 Per Month Coaching Rs. 7500 Food Rs. 4500 Accm Rs. 1000 Dhobi Rs. 500 Books Rs. 2000 Visit Rs. 750 Two Months Rs. 28,500 2 Ā½ months Rs. 33,500 RIMC Class VIII 2 months Rs.31,000 (From 01 Oct to 28th Nov) RMS Class VI - 58 days Rs. 33,000  ( 01st Oct to 19 Dec)80 days Sainik School Class VI 3 months Rs.35,000  ( 01st Oct to 30th Dec ) 90  days  Sainik Class IX 3 Months Rs,40,000 All Inclusive Terms and conditions: 1. Parents are requested to take a medi-claim for the student. 2. They are requested to send the xerox copy of the same 3. We have give the lis...

You are the best Judge of your self

You are the best Judge of your Self Know your weaknesses and try to improve upon it. It was a phone call from one aspirant. Hello? ssb coaching Centre?  Yes Go ahead. Sir, I am tamil,  yes go ahead, I am hearing at the other end no response but in a hushed tone  ( they are speaking in English??) I am TAMIL sir, Yes Tamil go ahead. ( what is this he is not talking in Tamil) Communication GAP ????? The caller gave up. NOT knowing English- unable to talk in English is CERTAINLY A DISQUALIFICATION  YOU WILL NOT GET SELECTED AT SSB INTERVIEW  IF YOU TALK ONLY IN YOUR MOTHER TONGUE BETTER LEARN TO SPEAK WELL IN ENGLISH  ( IT IS THE LANGUAGE USED IN Defence for all correspondence) Folks Judge your self. who is at fault??? We welcome you to defence forces, but you are expected to communicate in English while you are in a mixed group. Write down the qualities you would like to develop and start ...

Are you the one that SSB is looking For??????

Are you the one that SSB is looking For?????? During one of the training session, I was asked by a candidate the following Question:- Sir, I heard from  my friend who attended Naval Selection Board at Coimbatore, that in his batch of 21 candidates, NONE got Recommended. How is it possible that not even one got Recommended? The simple answer to this is You are going to a shop that has a lot of dress material. You asked the shop keeper to show the best material he has in his store. He showed you one,  you did not like it You asked for another, he showed it, it was not what you exhibited it went on for some time and finally you let the shop, stating that he could not find what he was looking for. In SSB Terminology we call it OLQ If the selectors do not find these OLQ ( Officer like Qualities - to an acceptable limit) from the number of aspirants, then they simply drop. And look for this in the next batch. To make it simple They look out fo...

The Fear of Failure at the SSB Interview - Tips to over come

Fear of failure at the ssb is most common among the aspirants. Generally we see two types of  candidates at the ssb a) Die hard types b) Job seekers A person who is genuinely interested in the Services Selection Board Interview is seen as a person who gathers information. ( For example You the reader is one among them) Goes to SSB coaching centres and gets coached. Then appears for the selection board interview. Here a few cadets make a BIG Mistake. Coaching Centres with just one Instructor trying to teach all is to be avoided by all means. The reason for this is very obvious One man is not a master of all. He would be able to tell you about the technique he had learned and practiced. He may not be able to tell you how a Psych/ GTO/ IO  sees you and makes an assessment. Hence, it is my sincere suggestion to the aspirants to go to a coaching institute that has all three experts ( see   Do not muck up are memorize the stories an...
ARE YOU AN ENGINEER? WOULD YOU LIKE TO JOIN THE ARMED FORCES? DEFENCE ACADEMY COIMBATORE OFFERS COACHING FOR YOU TO CRACK THE WRITTEN TEST AND SSB INTERVIEW WWW.SSBCOACHING.COM CALL-9443720076 Indian Army TGC Entry 2015- 2016 ( for male only) TGC 121 expected date of notification would be Nov 2014. TGC 122 expected date of notification would be May 2015. TGC 123 expected date of notification would be Nov 2015. SSC-tech 2015- 2016  (for male and female) SSC-45 and SSCW-16 expected date of notification would be Jan 2015. SSC-46 and SSCW-17 expected date of notification would be June 2015. UES Entry 2015-2016  (for male only) UES 25 entry notification would be coming out in Aug 2016. UES 26 entry notification would be coming out in July 2018. Air Force AFCAT Exam 2015- 2016 (for male and female) AFCAT 1 2015 expected date of notification would be Dec 2014. AFCAT 2 2015 expected date of notification would be Jun 2015. Indian Nav...