Maths Revision Test = Dec 07 Compiled by www,

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I.                    Numeration
1.       Find the sum of the greatest 5 digit number and the greatest 6 digit number.    
2.       Write in Roman letters the product of 347 x 3
II.                  L.C.M
3.       Find the LCM of the following numbers, 8, 21, 52 and 64
4.       Find the HCF of 20, 15 and 5
III     Fractions:
5.       Rahim had Rs. 500, he spent 1/10 of this on newspaper, 3/10 on books 4/10th on food.
Find the amount he spent on each item.
a)      Divide:  83 ½  by 4 ¼  b)Convert 22222 minutes into   i)Hours  and  ii) Days
    IV BODMAS [6 of 3{ 64 ÷ 2.5 ( 12+6-2)}]
    V Unitary Method :  6 ¾ dz costs Rs.2430, what would be the cost of ¾ dz of that item.
   VI  Time and Distance: A snail moves at a speed of 3m/m, how many hours will it take to travel 2.5 km?
 VII. Time and Work:  Three men can do a job in 14 days, how many men can do the same job in 7 days?
VIII. Percentage:  a man sold his car for Rs. 75,000, he bought it for Rs. 1, 00,000 what was his loss %?
IX:   Simple Interest: Find the amount that will be received after 6 years, if t principal was invested at the rate of 7.5% per annum. The amount invested was Rs, 30,500.
X: Area and Perimeter: Find area and perimeter of a rectangle whose length is 12.5 m & breadth 7 m.
XI : Circle: Find the circumference and Area of a circle use diameter is 7.7 m
XII: Ratio and Proportion:   Distribute an amount fo Rs. 99000, between A, B and C  in the Ratio of 8:5: 4
XIII: a) Convert 75 Degree C into F                b) Convert 112 Degree F into C
C ) Convert 43,25 km into Decimeter             d) Convert 3456 days into months and days
e)  Convert 0.125 into Fraction.                       f) Convert 108 km/ h into m/sece

XIV: Find the cost of leveling an area of a path the runs both horizontal and vertical to a square garden of 90 m one side width of the path sis 5 m

Volume of Cuboid
XV:  Find the cost of painting a swimming pool the has the l of 110 m, Breadth 55m and height 6 m, Cost of painting per sq m is Rs 50

XVI : Find the perimeter and area of  triangle with Side (Base ) is 20, h 12m, side 2 is 8m & side 3 is 6 m

Average: XVII: Find the average of all prime number between 70 to 100


 Draw the following angles and name the type of angle:-

a) 45 Degrees
b) 90 Degrees
c) 125 Degrees
d) 189 Degrees
e) 289 degrees.

Fill in the blanks:- ( Basics)

a) A Ray has ______ end points
b) Sum of supplementary angles___ and that of Complementary Angles is_____.
c) The Longest Chord of a Circle is _________
d) To find the Gain % use the formula__________
e) The main difference between a square and a rectangle is _________
f) The different types of Triangles are______ (Name and draw one each)
g) The different types of Fractions are______,______, _____,______,_____
h) To find the Perimeter of a triangle we use the formuila_______________
i)  A pentagon has_____ sides.
j)  As per Pythagoras Theorem, Sum of the squares on the opposite side and Adjacent side is equal to the  Square of the____________. 

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List of prime numbers up to 100: 2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31,37,41,43,47,53,59,61,67,71,73,79,83,89,97,


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