Officer Like Qualities- What are they?

Officer like qualities are the basis demand of the Defence Forces.
Projection become the responsibility of an aspirant, simultaneously evaluation is the job of an assessor,  being a projective technique who so-ever, projects appropriately will get through,  However, this system of selection is Psychologically based, scientific and fool-proof. When the personality is found at the above sacel of parameters then the candidate can't be bounced and if the personality is not up to the mark no one will recommend the candidate in the SSB. This is the Test of your personality, not the performances.  Your personality is bound to come when you perform, Optimum outcome amounts to a deserving personality as these tests are situational and quality demanding.
Therefore the remedy is, to be natural, honest, truthful, specific and to the point.

Factor - I- Intellectual Factor
1. Effective Intelligence
2. Reasoning Ability
3. Organising Ability
4. Power of expression

Factor - II Social Adjustment
5. Social Adaptability
6. Co-operation
7. Sense of Responsibility

Factor - III Social Effectiveness
8. Initiative
9. Self-Confidence
10. Speed of Decision
11. Ability to Influence the Group
12. Liveliness

Factor - IV Dynamism
13. Determination
14. Courage
15. Stamina

These are grouped under Two General heading
Individual Qualities-- Factor I and II ( Intellectual Qualities and Dynamism)

Qualities in Relation to Group- Factor II and Factor II  ( Social Adjustment and Social Effectiveness )

The SSB are looking at a mixture and balance of
Emotional Intelligence, Social Intelligence Effective Intelligence along with academic achievement.

A combination of the above qualities and well balanced personality is the person the ssb is looking for.
Learn to project these qualities when you appear for any selection.

In short what are being tested?

1. Thoughts are Examined by Psychologist.
 He does his assessment based on your performance in
Picture story writing test
Word association test
Situation reaction test and the
Test of Self - concept.

2. Action are Examined by Group Testing Officer:
The group testing officer  makes you "PERFORM" while you act according to the  instructions given, by the Group Testing offer, he get enough input  to evaluate your actions.

GTO too has a battery of tests.
His tests ranges from verbal, to motor and from individual to group situation.
Such as
Group Planning
Group Tasks such as Full group, half group, command task, and individual tasks.
3. Words ( Spoken Communication ) are examined by Interviewing Officer. 
A person exhibits his qualities , via  Spoken ( Verbal) Communication, body language.
The trained interviewing officer will assess your OLQ's profile by taking inputs from your words.    


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