Picture Perception and Description Test- Screening test at SSB Interviews- TIPS

GROUP DISCUSSIONIn this test the picture and your stories would be discussed in a group. For this phase the batch is divided in small groups. The strength of a group is around fifteen candidates. To start the Group Discussion, each candidate would be required to narrate his perception and individual written story. Subsequently, candidates will discuss among themselves and achieve a common consensus about the characters and the theme of the story.

Listen to the Psych before you start.

SAM- Sex- Age- Mood of the person/ persons seen in the picture
Location in the picture

What would have happened?
What is now happening ?
What will happen in the future?

The story :
Be practical- let the hero be action oriented.
Let the actions speak about the Hero's quality
Image you are the hero and what would you do at that situation.

Do not escape by saying I will inform so and so or
I will telephone so and so
What YOU the HERO does that matters.

When discussion be bold and tell ( narrate the story in a practical- workable solution.)

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