Indian Defence Services Officer Selection Board Interview coaching Academy

Indian Defence Services Officer Selection Board Interview coaching AcademyDefence Academy

Don't be under-prepared when it comes to the test.


The Services Selection Board (SSB) Interview Training are held at Coimbatore ( DAC)

Normally begins on every Monday. An outline of the selection process and programme is given below.
The Officers Selection Board Process You will be assessed in a single group of eight or nine, with men and women working together. You are all being assessed against a common standard and your success is based entirely on your own performance. Equally, there is no single test by which you pass or fail – this is a series of assessments designed to give us an understanding of your officer potential. The officers assessing you will be interested in your approach to problems and challenges, and your attitude towards other members of the group – both as a team player and as a team leader. You will also need to be physically prepared and should start a structured physical training plan well before Actual SSB Interview.

Board CompositionThe Board consists of the following members:
  1. • PRESIDENT. A Senior DAC officer. Colonel
  2. • VICE PRESIDENT. An DAC officer.
  3. • DEPUTY PRESIDENT. An DAC Lieutenant Colonel.
  4. • BOARD MEMBER. An DAC officer.
  5. • EDUCATION ADVISER. An DAC Education Officer.

Programme – Day One – Briefing Phase
Candidates should arrive at DAC by 10.00am.
The Board Secretary, a DAC Instructor will give you a short introductory talk.


 This is a tutorial on how to approach the next day’s Planning Exercise. An example of the Exercise can be downloaded from our website (

 Later in the afternoon your Group Leader will introduce you to some useful practical techniques for use on the Outside Tasks.

FITNESS TESTS. You will be required to complete a Multi Stage Fitness Test, known as the 'bleep' test. This assessment involves press-ups, sit-ups and running between two lines set 20m apart whilst keeping up with a series of bleeps from an audio cassette. Your aim is to achieve the Indian Army standard of level 10.2 for males and 8.1 for females.
Programme – Day One – Testing Phase

WRITTEN TEST. An essay will assess your written communication skills.

MENTAL APTITUDE PROFILE TESTS. These consist of the following elements:
• Verbal Reasoning Exercise. This will test your ability to think logically about written information.
• Numerical Reasoning Exercise. This will test your ability to solve numerical problems.
• Abstract Reasoning Exercise. This will test your ability to solve practical problems.
The exercises take 70 minutes in all to complete; examples with instructions and advice can be downloaded from our website (

WRITTEN TESTS. Computer-based tests on general knowledge, Service knowledge and current affairs.
Programme – Day Two – Testing Phase

OPENING DISCUSSION. The group opening discussion lasts for 40 minutes. During this time we will invite you to discuss a number of moral and newsworthy topics. A thorough knowledge of current affairs will help you.

INTERVIEWS. The rest of the morning is devoted to one-on-one interviews. All candidates have an interview with the President, Vice President, the Deputy President and a DAC Education Adviser. The style and tone of the interviews are relaxed and informal. You will probably be asked about your interests, ambitions and why you want to pursue a career in the Indian Army.

PLANNING EXERCISE. This theoretical written exercise tests your ability to use people, equipment and time effectively. You are given an hour to study the narrative and write up your solution. Then each group discusses the problem with the aim of reaching an agreed plan. Importance is attached to individual contributions and your reaction to the ideas of others. Finally you will be asked questions about aspects of the exercise to test whether you can think on your feet. A practise paper can be downloaded from our website (

AFCAT/ CDSE/ NDA/ ACC EXERCISE ONE. This is one of two specialised exercises set by the Board. Programme – Day Three – Testing Phase

Written EXERCISE TWO. This consists of an exam element followed by a presentation.

LECTURETTE. In the afternoon, each candidate gives an informal five-minute talk to the group on a specified subject. There will be five topics (taken from your CV) to choose from, and you will be given time to prepare. At the end of each lecturette, the speaker answers questions from the group.

OUTDOOR TASKS. These are practical exercises. A typical task might involve the group crossing a defined space without touching the ground using ladders, ropes, poles and planks. You will usually have to carry a ‘burden’ with you – a heavy or awkward object that must be treated with care.

INDIVIDUAL OBSTACLE COURSE. For the final morning task, individuals must negotiate an individual obstacle course with the objective of completing as many obstacles as possible within a set time limit. This requires a good level of aerobic fitness, upper body strength and agility.

What Happens Next?

So that you can know about your strength and Weakness and then can improve up on it before you appear for the Actual SSB Interview
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