Group Discussion - How to do well in GD Tips by Ex GTO

Group Discussion is on a free –for-all basis. During this phase, the Board, who take no active part in the discussion , will assess which members of the syndicate have
Comprehension and Judgement  and not is made of their degree of
Co-operation and
Numeracy of each member.
In addition they will note the Mental agility, flexibility and reaction to pressure.
GD- GTO - SSB coaching call
094437 20076

TIP 1: 
Whilst in the chair, sit up-right and do not slouch or lean forward.  Sit with your legs uncrossed and rest your palms on your knees. Whilst you should not sit rigid, you should look presentable.

TIP 2:
There will be a number of discussion to be had. In total the discussion session will last for approximately 40 minutes, so there is ample time for you to get involved and score high. 
Try STARTING off a few discussions. 
Do not just leave it to the other members  of the group to start off the topic.
REMEMBER, one of the assessable areas is that of CONFIDENCE and Resilience.

If you are struggling to think of anything to say for a specific topic, You could start off the conversation by saying:

β€œ Does anybody have any strong views on this topic?”
By saying this, you will be actively involved in the conversation and you will be also involving others into the conversation.
When you have finished contributing to the debate, try and involve another person into the conversation. For example :
β€œ This is my view on this subject, what do you think”?
TIP 4:
Involve other people who have not had a chance to speak. If you notice     a member in the group is not talking
 Say, β€œ I notice you haven’t had the chance to say anything yet, what’s your view on this subject”?

Actively demonstrate good listening skills. This is the part that many people are poor at. Once they have finished speaking, they sit back and wait for their turn to speak again. Avoid this at all costs!  
TIP 6:
Be careful what you say!
Donot get into arguments,  More important is that you should have an Opinion and don’t sit on the fence. However, you must think before you speak.  If you believe that what you will say might be taken in the wrong way, avoid saying it.

TIP 7:
Speak clearly and Concisely. During the group discussion  be clear in what you say, speak up and avoid hesitations such as β€˜erm” or β€˜agh’. In addition to other areas, you are being assessed on your ORAL Communication Skills.

TIP 8:
Have a number of topics that you can start off a discussion with, Although it is more probable that the assessing staff will provide you the topics to discuss, they may also ask you to come up with topics yourself. 

GD- GTO - SSB coaching call
094437 20076
Some of the topics given in the past:-

1.       Should women be allowed to join the Armed Forces?
2.       Was Gandhi a Good leader?
3.       What do you think about Gay people being allowed to join the Armed Forces?
4.       TV is a total waste of time- discuss.
5.       How could the use and popularity of public transport be increased within this country?
6.       Professional cricketers. Are they over paid?  
7.       Is the increase in IPL series and bringing is foreign players and club owners good for the sport?
8.       The pros and cons of having a credit card.
9.       Should schools teach sex education in classes from VIII on wards?
10.   Life imprisonment is a good alternative to capital punishment.
11.   What makes a good leader?
12.   Was the Syrian war a waste of time?
13.   Is modern technology changing the way we communicate for the better?
14.   Is animal testing defensible in modern society?
15.   Should smoking be banned in public places?
16.   Should the public be concerned about the increasing use of DNA technology?
17.   Should people be required to Opt out of Organ donation rather than opt in?
18.   How could more people be encouraged to vote?
19.   Can the salaries of professional football players/ cricketer be justified?
20.   Should the private life of celebrities come under so much scrutiny?
21.   Do we need to change the attitude of car drivers towards speed limits?
22.   Should our police officer be routinely armed?
23.   Should we be worried about obesity?
24.   Should organized team sport be included in the national curriculum ?
25.   Should there be a compulsory retirement age?
26.   Do we need to change Indian’s drinking culture?
27.   What should be done to stop corruption?
28.   Should Entrance exams for professional course be done away with?
29.   Our Education system is there a requirement to change it?
30.   How to cope with harassment of women in work places?

GD- GTO - SSB coaching call
094437 20076


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