RIMC how to prepare and Succeed in RIMC Written Entrance exam 2017 ?

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1.         Express ideas in clear and grammatically correct English, using appropriate punctuation and cohesion devices.

2.         Plan, organize and present ideas coherently by introducing, developing and concluding a topic.

3.         Write a clear description (e.g  a place, a person, an object or a system).

4.         Use an appropriate style and format to write letters (formal and informal) postcards, messages, reports, articles.

5.         Summarise or make notes from a given text.

6.         Comprehension.


1.         Parts of Speech.

(a)               Article.
(b)               Noun and Pronoun.
(c)               Adjective.
(d)               Preposition.
(e)               Conjunction and models.

2.         Verbs

3.         Tenses   :

            Present / Past Forms
            Simple/Continuous forms
            Perfect Forms
            Future time reference

4.         Sentence Structure.

            Affirmative/Interrogative Sentences
            Use of Phrases
            Direct and Indirect Speech
            Active and Passive Voice

5.         Other Areas.

(a)               Idioms and Phrases.
(b)               Synonyms and Antonyms
(c)               One Word Substitution

6.         Translation from Hindi to English


Natural numbers, integers, fractions, rational/irrational numbers, decimal fractions, HCF & LCM, square root, ratio and proportion, percentages, averages, profit & loss, simple and compound interest.


Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of algebraic expressions, HCF & LCM factorization, simple equations, surds, indices, logarithms, Solution of linear equations of two and three variables, ratio and proportion, Meaning and standard form, roots and discriminant of a quadratic equation ax2 +bx+c = 0.


Area and Volume

Area of four walls of a room, area of a circle, sector and segment of a circle, surface area and volume of cube, cuboid, cone, cylinder, sphere.


Trigonometric ratios of an angle A of a right angle triangle, Simple applications of trigonometric ratios for solving problems of different types.  Simple identities based upon the above.

Heights and Distances

Solution of simple problems of height and distance using trigonometrical tables and logarithm tables.


Lines and Angles

Different characteristics of lines and angles, parallel and perpendicular lines, insecting lines, some of angles and triangles, interior and exterior angles.

Triangles – properties, equality, congruency and similarly with respect to sides and angles.

Parallelogram – types and properties.

Circles -  Properties, arc, chords, tangents, secants and angles subtended by arcs.

General awareness:

Consists of history
Current Affairs

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