
Bank Entrance Examination- Target 2016

ssb coaching Bank Entrance Examination- Target 2016  We offer 120 days coaching for an aspirant to qualify the Bank Entrance join us on any day call 094437 20076  99526   15910 Fee Rs. 7500 we are at Defence Academy Coimbatore A-11, VOC Nagar PO: Ganapathy Coimbatore- 641006 Tamil nadu

Armed forces preparatory Defence Academy Coimbatoreā€‹

ssb coaching Armed forces preparatory Defenceacademy Coimbatoreā€‹ now offers 2 years coaching . You are given admission is A CBSE  SCHOOL near Defence Academy Coimbatoreā€‹ You will be trained to face NDA, + 2 Tech entry. You will be groomed to become an officer The selection is based on a written test cum Interview Total seats offered is 50 only eligibility only boys entrance exam will be in the month of Jan  2016 All India basis selection The candidates will have to pay the fee for training  for two years. We guarantee a transformation of your SON. age 15 / 16 years - male only entrance exam based on class 10 syllabus of cbse. Negative marking . subjects Maths English Science call for more details 094437 20076

RMS- Sainik School Entrance Examination Class VI Revision- Test FREE Solved papers

ssb coaching RMS- Sainik School Entrance Examination Class VI Revision- Test FREE Solved papers m                                                  Maths Test 21 st Oct 2015 Q.1 Number Zero is _____a natural Number. Q.2. A number greater than 1 which cannot be divided by any other number except 1 and itself, is called ______ number. Q.3. Reduce the following number to its Prime Factors 464 Q.4. On dividing 18270 by  a certain number, the quotien Maths Test 21 st Oct 2015 Q.1 Number Zero is _____a natural Number. Q.2. A number greater than 1 which cannot be divided by any other number except 1 and itself, is called ______ number. Q.3. Reduce the following number to its Prime Factors...

RMS- Sainik School Entrance Examination Class VI Revision- Test FREE Solved papers

ssb- sainik- rms- rimc - enrance exam coaching academy 094437 20076- 14 Oct 2015 Sainik Entrance Preparation Mathematics Chapter Fractions: 1.        What is a fraction? 2.        What are the types of fractions 3.        Give one example each 4.        Addition of fractions 5.        Subtraction of fractions 6.        Multiplication of fractions 7.        Division of Fractions What is a fraction? Fraction means Part of a whole:  Like 1, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16  ect It means One is divided into two parts- Ā½ If One is divided into 4 parts it is known as Ā¼ What are the type of Fractions:- a)       Like Fraction---------------------------------------------eg: Same Denominator-------- 2/6, 1/6...

Vijaya Dashami Special Offer

ssb coaching Vijaya Dashami Special Offer SPOKEN ENGLISH Training Offered Rs.3000 for 3 months. Join today this is Vijyadashmi Offer 50% concession.Original Fee Rs. 6000 Contact:- 094437 20076 DEFENCE ACADEMY COIMBATORE A-11, VOC NAGAR, Near SS. Hospital, Ganapathy Coimbatore- 641006 Contact: colonel CS Jayavel 0944 37 200 76 SSB Coaching Rs. 5000 only join to day

How to Join the IAF?- Self Analysis

ssb coaching How to Join the IAF? Write down the answers to all the following Questions:- Q.1 What is / are the QR to join the IAF ? Q.2. What is the Branch I am interested in? Q.3. Do I fit the bill for that branch? Q.4. When should I take on AFCAT? Q.5. Should I go for any coaching? Q.6. If Yes where? Q.7. Can I take on the SSB Interview with out Coaching? Q.8. If no where do I go to take the coaching ? Q.9. Which is the best institute that has all three experts? Q.10. What is the duration of Training? Q.11. How much coaching fee do I have to give? Q.12 Is hostel facilities available? Q.13. What are the credentials of the Training academy. Q.14 Is it just a one man show? ( do not go to such institute, for you may not get the required training- all three techniques are different.) Q.15.Is their timing flexible? Defence Academy Coimbatore offers you an affordable fee structure with three experts, that offers 14 days coaching call 094437 20076 see www.ssbcoach...

join on vijayadasami day and avail fee concession

ssb coaching avail fee concession for SSB coaching call 09443720076